Friday, January 9, 2015

The Student Sayings Of Joe Friday On Fridays From Los Angeles, California Case Seventy-Seven

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #6, 14504-108 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1G8

January IXth, MMXV

Hon. Gordon Dirks, B. Ed., M. Ed., MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Calgary-Elbow

Dear Gordon:

Detective Joe Friday of the Los Angeles Police Department & his Homicide/Tactical Emergency Unit have just brought a multiple child molester & killer down by arrest after a huge gunfight where the suspect is shot up badly. Sort of reminiscent of the recent octuple homicide here in Edmonton where II of the victims were children. Joe is pissed off that he has II bring in the prick/suspect/jag off in alive, but the guy did surrender so he sticks with the proper "by the book" attitude of police work. However, ever wanting to remain "Mr. Popular" on the LAPD force, the Detective has some shall we say rather "pleasant" words for the suspect that I'm sure many Edmonton cops & the citizenry at large would agree with.

"Next time you want to make the news, step in front of a bus!"

Joe I'd Be Glad To Fly To LA & Help You Encourage This Loser To Step In Front Of A Bus & Save The Taxpayers A Trial,


Source: "Dragnet", C. American Broadcasting Company, Dick Wolf Productions.

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