Monday, November 15, 2010


Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., 1#203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2

November XVth, MMX

Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud

Dear David:

I can truly appreciate the anguish that Deborah Barrett & members of the Edmonton Autism Society are going through. Luckily IV me, I have high functioning autism and so IV the most part can cope. Deb & other family's have adult kids that essentially need 24/7 care, and as a result their educational opportunities are limited.

Pray hard IV these family's David. See where you can find additional funding resources IV them. I believe that these kids should receive the maximum dollars available. Do not cut back from kids whose family's are already strained.



Source: The Edmonton Journal, Deborah Barrett.

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