Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Saturday Presidential Buzz-Stephen Grover Cleveland-Part 1

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #6, 14504-108 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1G8

December VIth, MMXIV

Hon. Gordon Dirks, B. Ed., M. Ed., MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Calgary-Elbow

Dear Gordon:

An Editor's Note: As the only President II non-consecutive terms, President Grover Cleveland is counted separately for each term. As a result, he is the XXIInd & XXIVth (22nd & 24th) President. Whereas in the Dominion Of Canada or other Commonwealth Nations, if you are say Prime Minister John. A. Macdonald & you are Ist Prime Minister & get kicked out & then come back again as PM, you are once again Ist Prime Minister, not IIIrd. ThereIV each successive President is always one higher in number than their Presidency would indicate. So President Barack Obama, Democratic-Illinois is the XLIVth (44th) President, but only the XLIIIrd (43rd) person to hold the office. As a result of this quirk, Pres. Cleveland like some of our Prime Ministers will get II quotes instead of one.

Some students feel bad about being labour focused & some just don't fit in an academic setting. So President Grover Cleveland tries to build confidence in the working class.

"A truly American sentiment recognizes the dignity & the fact that honor lies in honest toil."

March IVth, MDCCCLXXXV (1885)-March IVth, MDCCCLXXXIX (1889),


Source: XXIInd President Of The United States Of America Stephen Grover Cleveland, Democratic-New York.


  1. Very good. Weren't there going to be two quotes, though?

    1. Colin, I have to do things in sequential order just like John A. Macdonald, Arthur Meighen, & W. L. Mackenzie King. I have to do the quotes in order they were in office. This coming week will be Benjamin Harrison, then back to Cleveland in his capacity as XXIVth Prez the following week!
