Saturday, July 13, 2024

Executive Order Number 10,045: Parallels

Attempted assassination of Theodore Roosevelt - Wikipedia

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #6, 14504-108 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1G8


Hon. Demetrios Nicolaides, B. A., M. P. S., Ph. D. ECA, MLA, Minister of Education, United Conservative, Calgary-Bow

Dear Demetrios:

Isn't it interesting that Former XLVth US President Donald J. Trump, Republican-Florida (nee New York) is after being shot in Pennsylvania today heading to the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin this week? What's interesting is that the only other Former US President to be shot XXVIth President Theodore "T. R./Teddy" Roosevelt, Republican & Progressive/Bull Moose-New York was shot by a bullet in Milwaukee as well whilst running on his IIIrd party ticket IV years. The parallels are exact!

Executive Dissertations: The Saturday Presidential Buzz-Theodore "T.R./Teddy" Roosevelt (

Executive Dissertations: The Saturday Presidential Buzz-Donald John Trump (

Executive Dissertations: The Saturday Presidential Buzz-Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden, Jr. (

Both Former Chief Executives you will also note were born in the State of New York, but neither was shot in their home state. I condemn this violence fully, killings or attempted killings of former leaders are just as evil & wrong as killing a current occupant. It should be noted that Mr. Roosevelt's bullet did eventually kill him but slowly.

I also applaud Current XLVIth US President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden, Jr., Democratic-Delaware for condemning this violence against his opposing party presidential candidate. Note, Joe was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania the state where the shooting took place but was elected as President & all his previous offices from Delaware.

I fully commend the United States Secret Service here & extend condolences to innocent shooting victims including Candidate Trump.

The Campaigning Is Continuous & Around The Clock,


Source: The Altoona Mirror & The Lebanon Daily News & The Butler Eagle & The Scranton Times-Tribune & The Bethel Park Journal & The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette & The Philadelphia Inquirer.


Wade Izzafd said...

It was a good comparison of an attempt on the life of a Former President on a campaign for the White House. Both had populist policies and were brave in the face of danger.

Even if Teddy had a his health made worse in the future by the gun-mans bullet.

This day could’ve had a much worse outcome.

Thanks for the blog post.


rory said...
