Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Reagan: The Lifeguard


Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #6, 14504-108 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1G8


Hon. Demetrios Nicolaides, B. A., M. P. S., Ph. D., ECA, MLA, Minister of Education, United Conservative, Calgary-Bow

Dear Demetrios:

I look very much forward to seeing actor Dennis Quaid's portrayal of the late President Ronald Wilson Reagan, Republican-California on film. Superb timing with what less than 75 days until America's votes for their next Chief Executive. Reagan was of course at one point a Democratic Party member from California like Vice-President Kamala Harris, Democratic-California. Reagan was also born in the State of Illinois where Harris was nominated as the Democratic candidate in Chicago. Gosh the parallels just never end do they? Then of course you had also President Herbert Clark Hoover, Republican-California, who was actually born in Iowa. Finally, that son of Yorba Linda, President Richard Milhous Nixon, Republican-California. Strange how three conservative Californians have gotten to the presidency yet The Golden State is considered strongly Democratic now.

My true appreciation for Mr. Reagan though is b/c he was a lifeguard like a family friend of mine. Ron had many rescues, including someone drowning in the pool at the Governor's Mansion in Sacramento when he was Governor of The Eureka State. He went in with his full suit on to conduct a rescue. "Dutch" Reagan also used those skills to help orchestrate the take down of the Soviet Union through very deep waters & negotiations where he had to swim through the sharks & work all sides. Not to mention staying strong after an assassin's bullet struck & almost killed him. We must learn respect for lifeguards at all levels, Ron Reagan had 78 rescues in 78 attempts, a rather solid record I'd argue!

Reagan Kept His Head Above & Below The Water Though To Dearest Nancy He Forgot To Duck,


Source: Www.ReaganMovie.Com | Reagan

Executive Dissertations: The Saturday Presidential Buzz-Ronald Wilson Reagan (

Ronald Reagan: The Lifeguard Who Never Stopped Rescuing – Commonplace Fun Facts (

Executive Dissertations: The Saturday Presidential Buzz-Herbert Clark Hoover (

Executive Dissertations: The Saturday Presidential Buzz-Richard Milhous Nixon (

Executive Dissertations: Nancy Davis Reagan Republican California (

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