Wednesday, September 18, 2019

"It's Not Going Well!"

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Jasper Place Public Library Terminal #II-VIII, Edmonton, Alberta

September XVIIIth, MMXIX

Hon. Adriana LaGrange, MLA, Minister of Education, United Conservative, Red Deer-North

Dear Adriana:

Here in Ward 1, Coun. Andy Knack country, you'll excuse me if I "segway" into this topic because in this "campaign" for alternate forms of transportation, I find myself 100% siding with Edmonton Mayor Donny Iveson & hoping he gets a IIIrd straight term in office for his command of the facts. When he says that the E-scooters are "not working out" he's totally right. I myself had to pick up a person with an artificial left leg last week at a downtown building & he, Rev. William Wade Izzard was coming down the bvilding's service elevator to accommodate his cane & give him more room & stability as the elevator went down. I approached the elevator doors after having to pay to park outside & my mobility is also bad as I just had surgery at a hospital a few weeks ago & also am on a cane.

I then had to yank over an E-scooter about 15 degrees over to the right by turning my cane around & using the hand grip to yank it backward, almost causing me to fall. But this action allowed Rev. Izzard to actually get out of the elevator safely. I hurt myself terribly & wrenched my injured area of my bladder and stomach where I had surgery but I didn't want a fellow disabled person to fall. It just drives me crazy that someone would park an E-scooter right in front of an elevator. My friends at Segway make far safer products that cause way less accidents & yet they don't have the free access that E-scooters do. This is not right that the City Of Edmonton throws up so many barriers to Segway getting full & free market access on par with the E-Scooters which are clearly inferior in every way, shape, & form! I think Bird & Lime Brand E-Scooters are a public menace!

Educate Users,


Source: The City Of Edmonton: The Office Of Mayor Donald Iveson.

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