Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
Sprucewood Public Library Terminal #XIV
Edmonton, Alberta
November XIXth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Last night on CNN's "Larry King Live", Dr. Jill J. Biden, English Professor was on with her husband, the XLVIIth (47th) Vice-President Of The United States, Joseph R. Biden, Democrat-Delaware. I congratulate her for her long career in teaching & educating young minds. I also congratulate the VP for insisting she keep her career, despite the fact she is arguably very busy with her husband's political calendar, & her legal title as "Second Lady Of The United States." She is a respectable teacher, wife, mother, & IInd Lady simultaneously & I would say performs her State duties & functions very gracefully. Plus she keeps the VP in line & an even keel, & as he was a Senator for XXXVIII (38) years before assuming the Second In Command Post under XLIVth (44th) President Barack H. Obama, Democrat-Illinois on January XXth, MMIX, he knows the political game & establishment well. For Dr. (& Mrs.) Jill J. Biden to be teaching III courses at a Virginia Technical College still as a Guest Professor, & also having her serve as a High School Teacher in Delaware beIV that IV many years, it shows the Biden's & the Obama Administrative Staffers/Office Holders care greatly & deeply IV education.
Way II Go Joe (& Jill),
Source: Cable News Network's (CNN's) "Larry King Live."
Sprucewood Public Library Terminal #XIV
Edmonton, Alberta
November XIXth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Last night on CNN's "Larry King Live", Dr. Jill J. Biden, English Professor was on with her husband, the XLVIIth (47th) Vice-President Of The United States, Joseph R. Biden, Democrat-Delaware. I congratulate her for her long career in teaching & educating young minds. I also congratulate the VP for insisting she keep her career, despite the fact she is arguably very busy with her husband's political calendar, & her legal title as "Second Lady Of The United States." She is a respectable teacher, wife, mother, & IInd Lady simultaneously & I would say performs her State duties & functions very gracefully. Plus she keeps the VP in line & an even keel, & as he was a Senator for XXXVIII (38) years before assuming the Second In Command Post under XLIVth (44th) President Barack H. Obama, Democrat-Illinois on January XXth, MMIX, he knows the political game & establishment well. For Dr. (& Mrs.) Jill J. Biden to be teaching III courses at a Virginia Technical College still as a Guest Professor, & also having her serve as a High School Teacher in Delaware beIV that IV many years, it shows the Biden's & the Obama Administrative Staffers/Office Holders care greatly & deeply IV education.
Way II Go Joe (& Jill),
Source: Cable News Network's (CNN's) "Larry King Live."
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