Thursday, August 27, 2015

"Will The Senator Yield The Floor?"-Jerry Moran

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #6, 14504-108 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1G8

August XXVIIth, MMXV

Hon. Dave Eggen, B. Ed., MLA, Minister of Education, New Democratic, Edmonton-Calder

Dear Dave:

Sitting in the great Former Senator Bob Dole's old Senate seat ("war here Dole") still alive thankfully in his XC's (90's)) is Senator Jerry Moran of The Wheat State of Kansas. Jerry shows his respect for Bob & his efforts as a Kansas Senator, Vice-Presidential & Presidential ticket man & WWII hero. Wishing the retired Senator a Happy Birthday last month on the Social Media engine of Facebook shows Jerry is teaching Kansan students they can learn a lot from their former Senators, especially those with such a distinguished military & public service career.

"Happy Birthday, Senator Dole. You have been a tremendous mentor & inspiration to me & selfless leader to the great people of Kansas. We are forever indebted to you for your service."

America's Bread Basket,


Source: Senator Jerry Moran, Class 3, Republican-Kansas.