Friday, May 5, 2023

Cinco De Mayo


Rory J Koopmans, B. Admin.. #6, 14504-108 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1G8


Hon. Adriana Lagrange, ECA, Minister of Education, United Conservative Candidate, Red Deer-North

Dear Adriana:

I don't in any way, shape, or form endorse alcohol abuse or heavy usage. But with all the campaign promises, as well as lies/errors/misjudgments/mistakes, it really is hard to know what is real, & what is fake (harder that dealing with an AI or artificial intelligence botchats haha), which could lead to booze abuse. This is whether voters are listening to the left or the right of the political aisle. Student voters, in particular Ist time voters need to see not just whom would be the best MLA in their area, but which person would be best suited for a caucus, whether that be for governing, or opposing those who form His Majesty's Government Of Alberta for the new term. What we'll do is have the two Lady Premiers drink together whomever falls under the table first becomes Leader Of His Majesty's Loyal Official Opposition (this would save a ton on campaign costs!)

Five Claws Up,


Source: Www.BashawStar.Com 

The Champs "Tequila" - YouTube

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