Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February XXVIIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I know what might add to the marketability of older schools, as well as some of the newer, clean line schools. We need to have an increase of plants and trees in schoolyards. There seems to be a trend in schools to have just flat, boring grass surfaces. This not only makes sense economically David, but it makes sense for people's overall health.
Kids in fact all humans need trees to breathe & trees need our CO2 in return. So it would be a low cost, mutually beneficial relationship. Kids could then be taught gardening & perhaps take part in planting the trees and shrubs themselves. I mean why not do this David. It just makes sense. There are after all High School courses in Forestry & Agriculture. So why not make this tree planting & maintenance a component of these courses?
Some older schools have no trees at all. This doesn't fit in with the older, tree lined gothic styles of their surrounding neighbourhoods. If you put trees up in school yards, parents will want to move into older homes. You then revitalize these communities & bring up capacity, as a result, less schools will need to be closed overall because their will be an increased inner city property tax base.
Congratulations Team Canada On Winning The Gold Medal Count,
Source: The Manitoba Gardner.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February XXVIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Now I can be theatrical & maybe even a little controversial, but one thing I am not: is a killer! David your a Queen's Counsel & a highly respected MLA. I have taken about 7 or 8 Law classes in my life so I have just a few questions for you. What is Justice Brian Burrows over at The Court of Queens Bench? If I participated in an attack on Mr. Dean Smith, I'd even at the age of 17 would expect to go to jail. Instead I get 2.75 years of extra freedom & a license to hurt.
Justice Burrows is clearly wrong. This young fellow should have been put away immediately & charged with other crimes as an adult such as attempted murder. I do not care if he is now a 19 year old student, he is clearly psychotic & needs to be locked away for a long time. I believe 10 years would not be unreasonable. To hell with the conniving bastard's studies at Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. Let the little monster rot in jail & if he has to take his classes by correspondence from there (at his own expense.) He should forfeit his remaining dues & be put away immediately, no need to give him even 1 more hour of freedom. What a viper, what an uncaring piece of garbage!
I agree there should be no barriers to education, but what about educating this young fellow & showing him that he completely destroyed the life of Dean Smith. A truly upstanding citizen of Alberta & a proud husband & father. I mean he was working with disabled kids, to rob the disabled of a protector & friend is egregious & manical. I bet you this little creep, Manpreet Grewal isn't even sorry. He has "man" is in his freaking name, let him be sentenced to hard time, as a man.
A Proviso David: Mr. Smith should not have made disparaging remarks about Mr. Grewal's turban. That racial intolerance is totally uncceptable. Horrid really. Maybe it to a degree set Mr. Grewal & his friends off, but it doesn't lessen the fact that this attempted murder was wrong & it was attempted murder, not aggravated assault.
Law & Order Year XX (Twenty) On NBC,
Source: The Alberta Criminal Court Of Appeal(s).
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February XXVIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Now I can be theatrical & maybe even a little controversial, but one thing I am not: is a killer! David your a Queen's Counsel & a highly respected MLA. I have taken about 7 or 8 Law classes in my life so I have just a few questions for you. What is Justice Brian Burrows over at The Court of Queens Bench? If I participated in an attack on Mr. Dean Smith, I'd even at the age of 17 would expect to go to jail. Instead I get 2.75 years of extra freedom & a license to hurt.
Justice Burrows is clearly wrong. This young fellow should have been put away immediately & charged with other crimes as an adult such as attempted murder. I do not care if he is now a 19 year old student, he is clearly psychotic & needs to be locked away for a long time. I believe 10 years would not be unreasonable. To hell with the conniving bastard's studies at Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. Let the little monster rot in jail & if he has to take his classes by correspondence from there (at his own expense.) He should forfeit his remaining dues & be put away immediately, no need to give him even 1 more hour of freedom. What a viper, what an uncaring piece of garbage!
I agree there should be no barriers to education, but what about educating this young fellow & showing him that he completely destroyed the life of Dean Smith. A truly upstanding citizen of Alberta & a proud husband & father. I mean he was working with disabled kids, to rob the disabled of a protector & friend is egregious & manical. I bet you this little creep, Manpreet Grewal isn't even sorry. He has "man" is in his freaking name, let him be sentenced to hard time, as a man.
A Proviso David: Mr. Smith should not have made disparaging remarks about Mr. Grewal's turban. That racial intolerance is totally uncceptable. Horrid really. Maybe it to a degree set Mr. Grewal & his friends off, but it doesn't lessen the fact that this attempted murder was wrong & it was attempted murder, not aggravated assault.
Law & Order Year XX (Twenty) On NBC,
Source: The Alberta Criminal Court Of Appeal(s).
Friday, February 26, 2010
Gorgeous Golden Girls
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February XXVIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I just cannot help but get excited at yet another Hockey Gold IV Canada's lovely hockey ladies & on Canadian soil of all things. We should take adavantage of this David & have the ladies come here to Alberta to participate in shinny tournaments with female Physical Education students from across Alberta.
In this way, we not only stress David that females should stay in Physical Education classes, & that they are just as strong as the boys in terms of being great & skilled hockey players. Its why The Edmonton Oilers & their great owner Mr. Daryl Katz have a fabulous line up of female toned souvenir merchandise. They respect the female market & perspective thru their wives & girlfriends.
So lets get on the bullhorn David, lets have these fabulous ladies come out here & stress the importance to female students of not just being physically fit, but of having fun & showing they can go toe to toe with the boys anytime!
Female Empowerment,
Sorce: The Edmonton Oilers Hockey Club.
February XXVIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I just cannot help but get excited at yet another Hockey Gold IV Canada's lovely hockey ladies & on Canadian soil of all things. We should take adavantage of this David & have the ladies come here to Alberta to participate in shinny tournaments with female Physical Education students from across Alberta.
In this way, we not only stress David that females should stay in Physical Education classes, & that they are just as strong as the boys in terms of being great & skilled hockey players. Its why The Edmonton Oilers & their great owner Mr. Daryl Katz have a fabulous line up of female toned souvenir merchandise. They respect the female market & perspective thru their wives & girlfriends.
So lets get on the bullhorn David, lets have these fabulous ladies come out here & stress the importance to female students of not just being physically fit, but of having fun & showing they can go toe to toe with the boys anytime!
Female Empowerment,
Sorce: The Edmonton Oilers Hockey Club.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Northland Daddy Brouhaha
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February XXVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
It would seem to me that its not just the girl who was impregnated by her Principal that needs crisis counselling. In addition to pre natal therapy & a few educational intiatives about how to raise her child properly, she'll need family supports and such. Now the ex-Principal who is the acknowledged father should set up a trust account for the child, court mandated that is, in addition to any offerings or actual monies he has paid out already.
He may be a monster & he may have violated the student/teacher relationship, but he should have full access to the child, so that she knows who he is. Supervised visits in which he plays with the child need to be arranged. Tell the child that she should be proud of their metis heritage, etc. Since he canot teach anymore, he should find employment that is suitable and take courses in sexual sensitivy for men. Perhaps through a sexual assault centre or hospital. He needs to not just be a man, he needs to own up to his former student that their sexual parlour games were inappropriate.
He also needs to tell his wife & family that he strayed. He has to become a better dad not just to his first family, but out of clear deference & respect to his lover & former student & their child.
Common Sense,
Source: Northland School District #61.
February XXVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
It would seem to me that its not just the girl who was impregnated by her Principal that needs crisis counselling. In addition to pre natal therapy & a few educational intiatives about how to raise her child properly, she'll need family supports and such. Now the ex-Principal who is the acknowledged father should set up a trust account for the child, court mandated that is, in addition to any offerings or actual monies he has paid out already.
He may be a monster & he may have violated the student/teacher relationship, but he should have full access to the child, so that she knows who he is. Supervised visits in which he plays with the child need to be arranged. Tell the child that she should be proud of their metis heritage, etc. Since he canot teach anymore, he should find employment that is suitable and take courses in sexual sensitivy for men. Perhaps through a sexual assault centre or hospital. He needs to not just be a man, he needs to own up to his former student that their sexual parlour games were inappropriate.
He also needs to tell his wife & family that he strayed. He has to become a better dad not just to his first family, but out of clear deference & respect to his lover & former student & their child.
Common Sense,
Source: Northland School District #61.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Check Mark The Gospel Of Mark Mark Messier Mark Napier Mark E. Mark Exam Mark Mark Wahlberg
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February XXIVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Normally I do not like to praise folks so openly, but the Catholic School Board did something last night that was brave & stellar. By keeping St. Mark's Junior High Catholic open, they are keeping a school that has citywide reknown for its Science & Technology focus. I am betting that a lot of these kids will become the scientists of the future. Going to places like NAIT, MIT & other technical schools. Some will of course focus on getting a Science Degree as well.
So David, I of course totally endorse the action of the Trustees in guaranteeing the school will stay open for the rest of this year. They made a decision here clearly not for political expediency, they made the decision because it was the right thing to do for the kids! I certainly wish Principal Bob Krzak & the staff at St. Mark's all the best in their struggle to keep fighting for a proud facility, a facility where students distinguish themselves with Scientific excellence & dignity.
Source: St. Mark's School.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February XXIVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Normally I do not like to praise folks so openly, but the Catholic School Board did something last night that was brave & stellar. By keeping St. Mark's Junior High Catholic open, they are keeping a school that has citywide reknown for its Science & Technology focus. I am betting that a lot of these kids will become the scientists of the future. Going to places like NAIT, MIT & other technical schools. Some will of course focus on getting a Science Degree as well.
So David, I of course totally endorse the action of the Trustees in guaranteeing the school will stay open for the rest of this year. They made a decision here clearly not for political expediency, they made the decision because it was the right thing to do for the kids! I certainly wish Principal Bob Krzak & the staff at St. Mark's all the best in their struggle to keep fighting for a proud facility, a facility where students distinguish themselves with Scientific excellence & dignity.
Source: St. Mark's School.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Command Responsibility
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February XXIIIrd, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
That poor girl in the Northland School District's Mistassiniy School should take a page from Bristol Palin, daughter of Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, Republican. Bristol is admitting having her baby without being married or even engaged was a mistake. The affected girl should take her baby along to schools and emphasize the need for abstinence until two people are in a committed relationship. Bristol still loves her baby & the father Levi Johnston has been given parental rights. But just as with this baby born on the reserve, its not the same unless a child has both a mom & a dad. Two gender perspectives bring a much stronger dynamic to a family.
Of course the Principal should have established fatherly rights. He should also be encouraged to let his other kids play with their new half sibling. Having older brothers and sisters to guide the child will only help it grow & be nurtured, thus guaranteeing a better experience with life on the reserve as a student.
So David, get on the bullhorn & offer the girl the chance to preach abstinence & not abusing drugs. She of course must not just stay clean for herself, but for her child as well. Lets turn a negative & awkward situation into a positive one. After all, its not the student's fault that the Principal manipulated her. Just as its not the fault of her child for being born.
Source: Planned Parenthood.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February XXIIIrd, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
That poor girl in the Northland School District's Mistassiniy School should take a page from Bristol Palin, daughter of Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, Republican. Bristol is admitting having her baby without being married or even engaged was a mistake. The affected girl should take her baby along to schools and emphasize the need for abstinence until two people are in a committed relationship. Bristol still loves her baby & the father Levi Johnston has been given parental rights. But just as with this baby born on the reserve, its not the same unless a child has both a mom & a dad. Two gender perspectives bring a much stronger dynamic to a family.
Of course the Principal should have established fatherly rights. He should also be encouraged to let his other kids play with their new half sibling. Having older brothers and sisters to guide the child will only help it grow & be nurtured, thus guaranteeing a better experience with life on the reserve as a student.
So David, get on the bullhorn & offer the girl the chance to preach abstinence & not abusing drugs. She of course must not just stay clean for herself, but for her child as well. Lets turn a negative & awkward situation into a positive one. After all, its not the student's fault that the Principal manipulated her. Just as its not the fault of her child for being born.
Source: Planned Parenthood.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Oh The Trials And Tribulations Of Boating
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February XXIInd MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Thank goodness those fine Calgarian students are safe on the shores of our friends in Brazil. What an awful experience. This disaster just reinforces in my mind David that we need to teach water safety lessons in schools & community centres to students, across the board. I mean David, there are boating accidents on our lakes, rivers, streams & other tributaries.
So David, I believe that in tandem with Minister Melvin Knight in Sustainable Resource Development, you need to design courses first & foremost for kids who live by major water centres. Such as for the students who live on Lake Wabumun, the Athabasca River, the North Saskatchewan River & of course the Bow & Elbow Rivers in Calgary proper. With of course an eventual expansion to schools across the Province.
Just because we are landlocked, doesn't man we shouldn't emphasize boating safety David. Just ask the kids who will be returning to loving family's with open arms from Toronto & Calgary on Monday. I sure bet you they'll always be wearing lifejackets from now on in all future water excursions, don't you?
Source: Department Of Environment, Government Of Alberta, C/o: Hon. Rob Renner, MLA, Minister Of Environment, Progressive Conservative, Medicine Hat.
February XXIInd MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Thank goodness those fine Calgarian students are safe on the shores of our friends in Brazil. What an awful experience. This disaster just reinforces in my mind David that we need to teach water safety lessons in schools & community centres to students, across the board. I mean David, there are boating accidents on our lakes, rivers, streams & other tributaries.
So David, I believe that in tandem with Minister Melvin Knight in Sustainable Resource Development, you need to design courses first & foremost for kids who live by major water centres. Such as for the students who live on Lake Wabumun, the Athabasca River, the North Saskatchewan River & of course the Bow & Elbow Rivers in Calgary proper. With of course an eventual expansion to schools across the Province.
Just because we are landlocked, doesn't man we shouldn't emphasize boating safety David. Just ask the kids who will be returning to loving family's with open arms from Toronto & Calgary on Monday. I sure bet you they'll always be wearing lifejackets from now on in all future water excursions, don't you?
Source: Department Of Environment, Government Of Alberta, C/o: Hon. Rob Renner, MLA, Minister Of Environment, Progressive Conservative, Medicine Hat.
A Boat Load Of Goods,
Aircraft Carriers,
Boat Show,
Fishng Boat,
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Peter C. Goldring A Proud Aboriginal Ally

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February XXIst, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
While I do not agree with Peter C. Goldring, MP & his comments against native culture & Mr. Louis Riel in particular, I defend his right to the death to say them. But he should have done so in a private capacity as a citizen in an open blog. Then tagged off the MP designation behind his name. To use a Goverment of Canada Website which is taxpayer funded to spread these bigoted & revisionist comments is clearly an embarassment to him, Lorraine Goldring (his wife) & Her Majesty's Government & the Conservative Party itself. And Peter wonders why he's never been in Cabinet?
Normally I like Peter very much. He has helped me on constituency matters for Edmonton-Centre voters when Laurie Hawn, MP hasn't been available. I think Pete's for the most part a stand up guy. But to attack Louis Riel who was clearly a patriot & essentially the founder of Manitoba & Saskatchewan through his rebellions is wrong. There isn't one other so called "Father of Confederation" who can claim that two Province status. And Louis Riel died for his country, as did Thomas D'Arcy McGee, Sir John A. Macdonald's good friend.
These two men were good people & even though I am a John A. fanatic, it was 100% wrong for the Prime Minister to brutally assasinate Riel when all he was trying to do was stand up for aboriginal & for metis cultural ideals. School kids are taught this & know that Riel was in fact a great man, proud of his heritage & willing to risk his life for aboriginal rights. Which of course is a great thing. I mean look, it took another Tory Prime Minister in Steve Harper to apologize to aboriginals with a healing ceremony & powwow right on the floor of the House of Commons.
If Steve & Her Majesty's Government could see how wrong it was to screw over aboriginal peoples (who clearly were in North America before John A. & his white compatriots), then children should in schools be taught that Louis Riel was treated wrongly because of his mixed race. All aboriginal kids should be taught to be proud of Louis & his contribution in officially adding their sublime mosaic to our nation. Without aboriginal heritage this country would be much worse off.
His racial insensitivity in a riding (Edmonton-East) that has many aboriginal constituents is unbecoming a man of his stature. Whats funny is Pete has done many reachouts to aboriginal outlets & Native Friendship Healing Society's. Students need to know that racial intolerance against Mr. Riel is wrong when done in an official Government format without Governmental backing. Mr. Goldring should not fight aboriginals & their symbols, he should cater to them as they are a large voting block. Plus they have a lot to be proud of.
Native Pride,
Source: Www.PeterGoldring.Ca
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Three Hurrahs For McCauley
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February XXth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
In the Journal's Letters page yesterday, Phillip H. Walker writes that McCauley School should be left open & not slated for closure. David, Phil is 100% right. McCauley stands for integrity, it stands for kids who have little hope fighting against the odds all the way. Plus parents who do care for them. They pay what they can. I can remember when Peter Pocklington sponsored a distinguished & carefully orchestrated hot lunch program their with the cost split between his Junior Achievement funds, and several thousand a year out of his own pocket.
McCauley is a proud school & I believe suburbanite kids would be proud to attend there. Yes it has a lower socioeconomic standard, but do you not think that the influx of kids from the suburbs would bring in money for the school from their parents/family's. Money wich could be used to revitalize the school & neighbouring say businesses?
The kids of McCauley deserve to make their make their neighborhood proud again. What with the new LRT being pushed through Phil points out, there will be many citizens coming through the neighbourhood to make it a more productive area. So David, lets do the sensible thing & take McCauley School off of the chopping block.
Source: Edmonton Public Schools.
February XXth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
In the Journal's Letters page yesterday, Phillip H. Walker writes that McCauley School should be left open & not slated for closure. David, Phil is 100% right. McCauley stands for integrity, it stands for kids who have little hope fighting against the odds all the way. Plus parents who do care for them. They pay what they can. I can remember when Peter Pocklington sponsored a distinguished & carefully orchestrated hot lunch program their with the cost split between his Junior Achievement funds, and several thousand a year out of his own pocket.
McCauley is a proud school & I believe suburbanite kids would be proud to attend there. Yes it has a lower socioeconomic standard, but do you not think that the influx of kids from the suburbs would bring in money for the school from their parents/family's. Money wich could be used to revitalize the school & neighbouring say businesses?
The kids of McCauley deserve to make their make their neighborhood proud again. What with the new LRT being pushed through Phil points out, there will be many citizens coming through the neighbourhood to make it a more productive area. So David, lets do the sensible thing & take McCauley School off of the chopping block.
Source: Edmonton Public Schools.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Neurological Safety Is Imperative
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February XIXth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Why not ensure total safety for all? I know it is mandatory for kids 17 & under to wear a bicycle helmet while on bikes, whether they be in a school situation or just riding at a community centre, or with their family on say a Sunday afternoon.
My advice is this David, get on the bullhorn & combine with Advanced Education Minister Doug Horner. Kids who have just become adults but are still in school should also be made to wear helmets. After all their brains are just as valuable as kids who are still of school age. Without helmet safety, how can we ensure that these older kids, including those that are taking school by academic upgrading as adults will have their full brain capacity when they enter the workforce?
If Donald Ross Getty could enact a seatbelt law wherein all kids and adults have to be buckled in, then I believe the School Act should be amended as well as the Highway Traffic Act to force all people on bicycles to wear helmets. Just as all adults on motorcycles are required to do. Not just for their own safety David in case they fall, but for the safety of drivers who might hit them unexpectedly. If a driver can't slow down, or an adult on a bike jumps out in front of him, they will less likely to be as neurologically impaired if wearing a helmet. Or at least have a brain injury that is not as severe.
As we saw with that poor 21 year old lad in the Olympics who will never grow up & have kids of his own, wearing a helmet is no guarantee that you will not get injured or killed if the impact point is hard enough. But at least by making helmets mandatory for adult students & everyone across the board, we can have a fighting chance at lowering overall injury costs & stresses.
Source: Harvard Medical Journal.
February XIXth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Why not ensure total safety for all? I know it is mandatory for kids 17 & under to wear a bicycle helmet while on bikes, whether they be in a school situation or just riding at a community centre, or with their family on say a Sunday afternoon.
My advice is this David, get on the bullhorn & combine with Advanced Education Minister Doug Horner. Kids who have just become adults but are still in school should also be made to wear helmets. After all their brains are just as valuable as kids who are still of school age. Without helmet safety, how can we ensure that these older kids, including those that are taking school by academic upgrading as adults will have their full brain capacity when they enter the workforce?
If Donald Ross Getty could enact a seatbelt law wherein all kids and adults have to be buckled in, then I believe the School Act should be amended as well as the Highway Traffic Act to force all people on bicycles to wear helmets. Just as all adults on motorcycles are required to do. Not just for their own safety David in case they fall, but for the safety of drivers who might hit them unexpectedly. If a driver can't slow down, or an adult on a bike jumps out in front of him, they will less likely to be as neurologically impaired if wearing a helmet. Or at least have a brain injury that is not as severe.
As we saw with that poor 21 year old lad in the Olympics who will never grow up & have kids of his own, wearing a helmet is no guarantee that you will not get injured or killed if the impact point is hard enough. But at least by making helmets mandatory for adult students & everyone across the board, we can have a fighting chance at lowering overall injury costs & stresses.
Source: Harvard Medical Journal.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Praise For Non Judgmental Service
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February XVIIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I was at the Capital Boulevard Building today for the Department of Education to pick up an updated transcript & learn about any part time administrative positions. Never got her name, but the young lady was quite chatty with me at the counter & found it funny that a guy was talking more than she was. But she knows I am chatty & nervous in my quest to hit 200 High School Credits & said it was noble.
All I want to do today David is to praise her, & all of the other staff for their gracious service in putting up with my numerous enquiries. Especially last month when they were under pressure with exams. The administrative staffs are always unsung heroes & deserve their kudos. A lot of them are not even teachers but they see the value of getting a good education.
I like Alberta Ed. Staff because they are friendly, well versed & take time to talk to me on the phone & call me back personally rather than through an informal email. They talk & listen & are devising strategies for me tro obtain my goal. So, they deserve their laudits & appreciation David. They also deserve higher salaries than the are getting. Let us here it for the background people at Alberta Ed. They keep Alberta Students on track & work with their advisors & family members to ensure that all Credits obtained will contribute to that student being a productive member of society.
Source: Alberta Education, The Government Of Alberta.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February XVIIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I was at the Capital Boulevard Building today for the Department of Education to pick up an updated transcript & learn about any part time administrative positions. Never got her name, but the young lady was quite chatty with me at the counter & found it funny that a guy was talking more than she was. But she knows I am chatty & nervous in my quest to hit 200 High School Credits & said it was noble.
All I want to do today David is to praise her, & all of the other staff for their gracious service in putting up with my numerous enquiries. Especially last month when they were under pressure with exams. The administrative staffs are always unsung heroes & deserve their kudos. A lot of them are not even teachers but they see the value of getting a good education.
I like Alberta Ed. Staff because they are friendly, well versed & take time to talk to me on the phone & call me back personally rather than through an informal email. They talk & listen & are devising strategies for me tro obtain my goal. So, they deserve their laudits & appreciation David. They also deserve higher salaries than the are getting. Let us here it for the background people at Alberta Ed. They keep Alberta Students on track & work with their advisors & family members to ensure that all Credits obtained will contribute to that student being a productive member of society.
Source: Alberta Education, The Government Of Alberta.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Cultural Preservation In Northland
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February XVIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I think the real way to increase attendance in the Northland School District is to create interactive cultural days for the students. Realizing that they to a point feel that their culture is being destroyed, you must like a fire under them & make them feel emotionally well again.
What I propose David is that you start having pow wows, rainmaker rodeos including rain dances, sweat & healing lodges, etc right on the campus buildings. If the kids, especially High School kids see that their cultural traits & religions are being respected. They will in turn respect the school system more.
The point here is David you could extend out Credits to these kids for participating in cultural events that are part of their aboriginal identity. Make being native or metis exciting for them again. If aboriginal kids feel that wow, I can get Credits just for learning about things from my teachers & elders about being themselves, they'll come & participate. Thinking hey what a great scam this is, I get Credit for learning about stuff I am very interested in.
As always David, make the courses truly interactive. Put them up on the web as part of the Alberta Government's E-Classroom so that all children can take expanded Aboriginal Ceremonies Studies. Plus, be inviting of the parents to participate & perhaps get Credits themselves. Thus more revenue for the Province. David, I & I am sure that other Albertans would be so excited about this cultural set of ideas, that I would consider even moving to a Reserve or Aboriginal cultural setting to get Credits & immerse myself in this rich mosaic of people.
Lets get people excited again about education David. Lets get aboriginal & all Albertans thrilled to be going to & staying in school. By setting up these courses, things can only get more positive for them all.
Regards David & Happy Ash Wednesday,
Soure: Northland School District #61.
February XVIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I think the real way to increase attendance in the Northland School District is to create interactive cultural days for the students. Realizing that they to a point feel that their culture is being destroyed, you must like a fire under them & make them feel emotionally well again.
What I propose David is that you start having pow wows, rainmaker rodeos including rain dances, sweat & healing lodges, etc right on the campus buildings. If the kids, especially High School kids see that their cultural traits & religions are being respected. They will in turn respect the school system more.
The point here is David you could extend out Credits to these kids for participating in cultural events that are part of their aboriginal identity. Make being native or metis exciting for them again. If aboriginal kids feel that wow, I can get Credits just for learning about things from my teachers & elders about being themselves, they'll come & participate. Thinking hey what a great scam this is, I get Credit for learning about stuff I am very interested in.
As always David, make the courses truly interactive. Put them up on the web as part of the Alberta Government's E-Classroom so that all children can take expanded Aboriginal Ceremonies Studies. Plus, be inviting of the parents to participate & perhaps get Credits themselves. Thus more revenue for the Province. David, I & I am sure that other Albertans would be so excited about this cultural set of ideas, that I would consider even moving to a Reserve or Aboriginal cultural setting to get Credits & immerse myself in this rich mosaic of people.
Lets get people excited again about education David. Lets get aboriginal & all Albertans thrilled to be going to & staying in school. By setting up these courses, things can only get more positive for them all.
Regards David & Happy Ash Wednesday,
Soure: Northland School District #61.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Saint City Triathalon
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February XVIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I find it extremely ironic that I was in St. Albert today at my school's invite for a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Breakfast. What's ironic about it is that in today's Edmonton Journal, Education writer Sarah O'Donnell writes about a Catholic Elementary School which has a running program. Essentially called "The House of Pain", kids in the school are so obsessed with it, that teachers & administrators encourage kids to run outright in the hallways. This is crafty & cagey as the kids are then getting extra Physical Education time beyond the mandated 30 minutes per day.
As you know David, the Catholic School in St. Albert is actually the Public School System. Sort a weird hybrid or anomaly because of Catholic educators setting up schools first upon St. Albert's incorporation as a town. Since I am taking courses through the St. Albert Storefront School, I certainly see the value in a Catholic education. Having started out my career in the private Christian School in Edmonton's west end, Edmonton Christian run by the Protestant sect of the Dutch Christian Reformed Church, I find it thrilling that I will be both beginning & ending my runs in High School & my quest for 200 Credits in a Chhristian system. And it was the Christian School that suggested I turn to St. Albert Catholic, since they are now both Public. Its worked out very well.
My feeling is David that the program at the Neil M. Ross Catholic Elementary School should also encourage Junior & Senior High kids to if not run, at least jog in the hallways. I mean David what a novel concept by Ms. O'Donnell to write on & what a noble formula for education for running coach Cathy Bagdan to have started. She can see the value of a strong physical body giving kids in St. Albert Catholic a strong mind & spirit. This running for exercise should be encouraged Provincewide in all school hallways!
Happy Shrove Tuesday David & Enjoy Your Pancakes & Sausages,
Source: Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools.
February XVIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I find it extremely ironic that I was in St. Albert today at my school's invite for a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Breakfast. What's ironic about it is that in today's Edmonton Journal, Education writer Sarah O'Donnell writes about a Catholic Elementary School which has a running program. Essentially called "The House of Pain", kids in the school are so obsessed with it, that teachers & administrators encourage kids to run outright in the hallways. This is crafty & cagey as the kids are then getting extra Physical Education time beyond the mandated 30 minutes per day.
As you know David, the Catholic School in St. Albert is actually the Public School System. Sort a weird hybrid or anomaly because of Catholic educators setting up schools first upon St. Albert's incorporation as a town. Since I am taking courses through the St. Albert Storefront School, I certainly see the value in a Catholic education. Having started out my career in the private Christian School in Edmonton's west end, Edmonton Christian run by the Protestant sect of the Dutch Christian Reformed Church, I find it thrilling that I will be both beginning & ending my runs in High School & my quest for 200 Credits in a Chhristian system. And it was the Christian School that suggested I turn to St. Albert Catholic, since they are now both Public. Its worked out very well.
My feeling is David that the program at the Neil M. Ross Catholic Elementary School should also encourage Junior & Senior High kids to if not run, at least jog in the hallways. I mean David what a novel concept by Ms. O'Donnell to write on & what a noble formula for education for running coach Cathy Bagdan to have started. She can see the value of a strong physical body giving kids in St. Albert Catholic a strong mind & spirit. This running for exercise should be encouraged Provincewide in all school hallways!
Happy Shrove Tuesday David & Enjoy Your Pancakes & Sausages,
Source: Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Create A Business Out Of Truancy Elise Stolte
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February XVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
If you take a look at Page A1 & A2 of today's Edmonton Journal, you'll find a very interesting column by Elise Stolte on truancy in the Northland School Division. Focusing specifically on Wabasca's Mistassiniy High School.
What I propose David is this. If you look at the subtext of the article, you will see that kids miss school because they have to often parent siblings because their parents are tied up or are just not cognitively capable. They also use the excuse that kids are out hunting for sustenance for their family's, and quite often with them.
So why not turn these two ideas on their heads? Why not offer business courses on how to start up daycares/child care centres to the kids, potential fathers & mothers alike? As well as offering courses on how to set up a hunting/trading post. So that hunters can learn how to not just salt up & preserve meats. But how to obtain maximum profits in selling the meat & say pelts/skins/blubber of the animals they kill? This could be done through say opening a hunting store.
If you teach the kids that coming to school is fun & they can become business pros if they finish High School by offering credits in the very areas they are focused on, their attendance record will go up. As a result of this respect for aboriginal culture & ways of thinking, they will then perhaps then want to go & explore furher educational opportunities in technical institutes, colleges & universities. Realizing that the farther they go in school, the better off they will be & therefore by extension the better off they will be able to help out less fortunate members of their tribes/villages/hamlets.
Happy Family Day David To You And Yours And Bless Donald Ross Getty For Creating This Day,
Source: The Edmonton Journal.
February XVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
If you take a look at Page A1 & A2 of today's Edmonton Journal, you'll find a very interesting column by Elise Stolte on truancy in the Northland School Division. Focusing specifically on Wabasca's Mistassiniy High School.
What I propose David is this. If you look at the subtext of the article, you will see that kids miss school because they have to often parent siblings because their parents are tied up or are just not cognitively capable. They also use the excuse that kids are out hunting for sustenance for their family's, and quite often with them.
So why not turn these two ideas on their heads? Why not offer business courses on how to start up daycares/child care centres to the kids, potential fathers & mothers alike? As well as offering courses on how to set up a hunting/trading post. So that hunters can learn how to not just salt up & preserve meats. But how to obtain maximum profits in selling the meat & say pelts/skins/blubber of the animals they kill? This could be done through say opening a hunting store.
If you teach the kids that coming to school is fun & they can become business pros if they finish High School by offering credits in the very areas they are focused on, their attendance record will go up. As a result of this respect for aboriginal culture & ways of thinking, they will then perhaps then want to go & explore furher educational opportunities in technical institutes, colleges & universities. Realizing that the farther they go in school, the better off they will be & therefore by extension the better off they will be able to help out less fortunate members of their tribes/villages/hamlets.
Happy Family Day David To You And Yours And Bless Donald Ross Getty For Creating This Day,
Source: The Edmonton Journal.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Prostitution Should Not Be A Barrier To Education
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February XIVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
As you know prostitution is as defined by the Criminal Code "in & of itself" a "legal activity." Of course "communication IV the purposes of it" is illegal. So in order to committ a legal activity you have to committ an act which is against the law. Because how can an act(s) of prostitution really be committed without "communicating?"
It is in this sense that I suggest the following. There are what five schools on the chopping block. So I say combine the kids into 4 of the facilities and then offer prostitutes a chance at an education. Not free of charge no. But for every course they get 80% or over, have the Province pay for it out of pocket. So in otherwords, open a facility where the prostitutes, both male & female get a chance to go to school. If they stay off of drugs, reward them with free nights of lodging in the building which is arguably safe & protected.
A school for just prostitutes, its a novel idea. Also reward them with school nurses who can provide free community care in the school. Care such as pre natal & STD courses, as well as drug prevention & domestic abuse protection & prevention courses. The key here is, the prostitutes are given a 100% chance equally in life to succeed by getting basic mathematical & grammatical skills. As well as computer option courses. Gently wean the hookers off prostitution, tell them they must remain booze & drug free while they are in school or they are kicked out for say 90 days.
Plus, you make the prostitutes pay for a portion of up to say 50% of their own courses. I mean what better revenge against the johns than using their own money against them to make the prostitutes stronger people? If prostitutes can pay for a portion of their own courses off of the evil blood & drug money handed to them by the degenerate johns, they will feel better about themselves. If they can get off the streets & become productive members of Edmonton's society, they can show up the johns. Maybe even becoming prosecutors & judges who put johns away in jail like the scum they are.
I say equal education for all David, prostitutes, & eveyone else the same!
I Want To Sincerely Wish You & Your Lovely Bride Janet A Happy Valentine's Day David,
Source: The Sexual Assault Crisis Centre.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February XIVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
As you know prostitution is as defined by the Criminal Code "in & of itself" a "legal activity." Of course "communication IV the purposes of it" is illegal. So in order to committ a legal activity you have to committ an act which is against the law. Because how can an act(s) of prostitution really be committed without "communicating?"
It is in this sense that I suggest the following. There are what five schools on the chopping block. So I say combine the kids into 4 of the facilities and then offer prostitutes a chance at an education. Not free of charge no. But for every course they get 80% or over, have the Province pay for it out of pocket. So in otherwords, open a facility where the prostitutes, both male & female get a chance to go to school. If they stay off of drugs, reward them with free nights of lodging in the building which is arguably safe & protected.
A school for just prostitutes, its a novel idea. Also reward them with school nurses who can provide free community care in the school. Care such as pre natal & STD courses, as well as drug prevention & domestic abuse protection & prevention courses. The key here is, the prostitutes are given a 100% chance equally in life to succeed by getting basic mathematical & grammatical skills. As well as computer option courses. Gently wean the hookers off prostitution, tell them they must remain booze & drug free while they are in school or they are kicked out for say 90 days.
Plus, you make the prostitutes pay for a portion of up to say 50% of their own courses. I mean what better revenge against the johns than using their own money against them to make the prostitutes stronger people? If prostitutes can pay for a portion of their own courses off of the evil blood & drug money handed to them by the degenerate johns, they will feel better about themselves. If they can get off the streets & become productive members of Edmonton's society, they can show up the johns. Maybe even becoming prosecutors & judges who put johns away in jail like the scum they are.
I say equal education for all David, prostitutes, & eveyone else the same!
I Want To Sincerely Wish You & Your Lovely Bride Janet A Happy Valentine's Day David,
Source: The Sexual Assault Crisis Centre.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Belt Out In Glory A Song Of Praise
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February XIIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I was kind of thinking that children's choirs could combine on this. You know how "We Are The World" (et deux) was debuted at the Olympics in the Great Province of British Columbia last night. A song written partly by Michael Jackson. Well, despite all of his faults, all allegations against him were proven to be lies or at least mistatements by the alleged victims.
So I was thinking David, why not coordinate the lead choirs for the Public & Catholic School Divisions and book say Winspear Centre. I am sure Steve Mandel could get you the space for free. Then, the song "I'll Be There", sung by Mr. Jackson first as a child singer & leader of "The Jackson Five" could be posted on the internet & glorious DVD. With the proceeds of each sale being donated to "Michael Jackson Children's Charities" & relief organizations such as "The Red Cross" for Haiti Children's Relief.
Its a great idea in principle David as the song was stricrtly about being there for oneself & other children. Its composition was key & is partly sung in I believe B & C, so there is no real need to worry about hitting high notes. I think this idea is a winner David. As I do not have the contact information for Public & Catholic High School Choir Master's, perhaps you could make a few enquiries.
The Michael Jackson Company
C/o: Sony Music Pictures Corp.
10th Floor, 555 Madison Avenue
New York City, New York, USA 10022-3211
The Law Officers of Geragos & Geragos P.C.,
Historic Engine #28 Bvdg., 644 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, California, USA 90017
Source: The Joyful Noise Children's Choir: C/O; Rehoboth Children's Charity.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February XIIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I was kind of thinking that children's choirs could combine on this. You know how "We Are The World" (et deux) was debuted at the Olympics in the Great Province of British Columbia last night. A song written partly by Michael Jackson. Well, despite all of his faults, all allegations against him were proven to be lies or at least mistatements by the alleged victims.
So I was thinking David, why not coordinate the lead choirs for the Public & Catholic School Divisions and book say Winspear Centre. I am sure Steve Mandel could get you the space for free. Then, the song "I'll Be There", sung by Mr. Jackson first as a child singer & leader of "The Jackson Five" could be posted on the internet & glorious DVD. With the proceeds of each sale being donated to "Michael Jackson Children's Charities" & relief organizations such as "The Red Cross" for Haiti Children's Relief.
Its a great idea in principle David as the song was stricrtly about being there for oneself & other children. Its composition was key & is partly sung in I believe B & C, so there is no real need to worry about hitting high notes. I think this idea is a winner David. As I do not have the contact information for Public & Catholic High School Choir Master's, perhaps you could make a few enquiries.
The Michael Jackson Company
C/o: Sony Music Pictures Corp.
10th Floor, 555 Madison Avenue
New York City, New York, USA 10022-3211
The Law Officers of Geragos & Geragos P.C.,
Historic Engine #28 Bvdg., 644 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, California, USA 90017
Source: The Joyful Noise Children's Choir: C/O; Rehoboth Children's Charity.
Friday, February 12, 2010
MP's Guard The Colonel
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February XIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I think crisis counselling in High Schools needs to be offered. What with the tragedy of this Col. Russell Williams situation, I believe it is best to have crisis operatives & people who have security clearances go into these schools & talk a bout how evil rape & assault at level is. Whether that be man on woman, woman on woman, two women, two men, or with say objects other than a genital on genital unwanted contact.
The tragedy here is David there are abusive men & women in our Armed Forces. But most of them are productive members of society who are here to protect Canadians & citizens around the world. Of course David some kids might be a bit leery of this idea. But if soldiers can be brought into the crisis counselling assembly's to show how really good they are, kids might see how noble these men & women are. They might even think of starting up their own career in the Armed Forces because of how honoured they are to meet these soldiers.
So David, lets get on this, combine the assault crisis counsellors & soldiers together, lets win the battle against rape & brutalization of people forever. We can never win this battle completely, but we can try & get potential assaulters to learn & take a new path, a path towards productive relations. Whether they be sexual or just friendships.
Source: The Canadian Armed Forces.
February XIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I think crisis counselling in High Schools needs to be offered. What with the tragedy of this Col. Russell Williams situation, I believe it is best to have crisis operatives & people who have security clearances go into these schools & talk a bout how evil rape & assault at level is. Whether that be man on woman, woman on woman, two women, two men, or with say objects other than a genital on genital unwanted contact.
The tragedy here is David there are abusive men & women in our Armed Forces. But most of them are productive members of society who are here to protect Canadians & citizens around the world. Of course David some kids might be a bit leery of this idea. But if soldiers can be brought into the crisis counselling assembly's to show how really good they are, kids might see how noble these men & women are. They might even think of starting up their own career in the Armed Forces because of how honoured they are to meet these soldiers.
So David, lets get on this, combine the assault crisis counsellors & soldiers together, lets win the battle against rape & brutalization of people forever. We can never win this battle completely, but we can try & get potential assaulters to learn & take a new path, a path towards productive relations. Whether they be sexual or just friendships.
Source: The Canadian Armed Forces.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Pencilled In Pen & Pencil Set Writing Centre Mechanical Pencil Led Pencil Graphite Pencil Pencil Crayons The Pen Is Truly Mightier Than The Sword
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Whitemud Crossing Public Library Terminal #XVI, Edmonton, Alberta
February XIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
As I look through my liner notes for my Exam Challenges at Jasper Place High School, I noticed something that was fairly inappropriate. In the exams which were basically multiple choice & numerical answer, so requiring an HB pencil & eraser, there was only one automatic pencil sharpener on one side of the gymnasium. This is not only inappropriate in the context of writing an exam, its unfair & unacceptable.
I mean sure David, teachers came around to sharpen my pencil with manual sharpeners. But this is stupid. Then I have to wait a copious amount of time to continue. There should be at least 6-8 automatic sharpeners in the room in all gymnasium type exam situations. Arguably, the school has them already, so they just bring them in from teachers lounges & back supply areas. Plug them in & your ready to go. So no cost to Alberta Education.
My other option is having to walk from one end of the gym to the far end, or from whatever row, say the centre I am situated in. This is ridiculous & laughable. If teachers are tied up answering questions from other students, I have paced it out that in a 2.5 hour exam, walking just halfway across the gym, sharpening my pencil(s) & walking back to my assigned seat takes about 8 minutes. This is not fair in a time pressured environment. I should have access to a powered machine within 3-6 rows of me on either side & perhaps another two at the back of the gym. This would cut the time for my travel break down to 3-5 minutes. And that 3-5 minutes saved can insure that I do a better job on the exam. Which is my right as a taxpaying, freedom loving student who supports democracy & education. Having that extra time will give me confidence to do the best job I can.
Greetings From The Whitemud Crossing Branch (Your Riding) Of The Edmonton Public Library,
Source: Department Of Education, Government Of Alberta.
February XIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
As I look through my liner notes for my Exam Challenges at Jasper Place High School, I noticed something that was fairly inappropriate. In the exams which were basically multiple choice & numerical answer, so requiring an HB pencil & eraser, there was only one automatic pencil sharpener on one side of the gymnasium. This is not only inappropriate in the context of writing an exam, its unfair & unacceptable.
I mean sure David, teachers came around to sharpen my pencil with manual sharpeners. But this is stupid. Then I have to wait a copious amount of time to continue. There should be at least 6-8 automatic sharpeners in the room in all gymnasium type exam situations. Arguably, the school has them already, so they just bring them in from teachers lounges & back supply areas. Plug them in & your ready to go. So no cost to Alberta Education.
My other option is having to walk from one end of the gym to the far end, or from whatever row, say the centre I am situated in. This is ridiculous & laughable. If teachers are tied up answering questions from other students, I have paced it out that in a 2.5 hour exam, walking just halfway across the gym, sharpening my pencil(s) & walking back to my assigned seat takes about 8 minutes. This is not fair in a time pressured environment. I should have access to a powered machine within 3-6 rows of me on either side & perhaps another two at the back of the gym. This would cut the time for my travel break down to 3-5 minutes. And that 3-5 minutes saved can insure that I do a better job on the exam. Which is my right as a taxpaying, freedom loving student who supports democracy & education. Having that extra time will give me confidence to do the best job I can.
Greetings From The Whitemud Crossing Branch (Your Riding) Of The Edmonton Public Library,
Source: Department Of Education, Government Of Alberta.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Bus Drivers Bus,Ted Bust A Move, Bus-ter Keaton Bus Pass
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February Xth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Your move to gut the 23 Trustees of the Northland District was defnitely the right move. Despite Pearl Calahasen's objections. These trustees were not doing their job & frankly left the kids in a mess. Which considering they were drawing wages is intolerable.
My suggestion David is that you hire back retired bus drivers & ones that have been laid off in other districts. We need to get drivers in there who will bring the kids to that multi million dollar school that is sitting empty. I mean what a waste. As well as schools throughout the jurisdiction that are not being used to capacity.
If Alberta Education has to put the drivers up in hotels, so be it. If they want to set up temporary camping facilities in say a couple of unused classrooms, then there is no room costs for the Province. Just the costs of meals, which could be doled out in the school cafeteria each day. Lets maximize the space David, lets get in school bus drivers that are motivated. If the drivers who work in the area can't do the job, then its time to bring in folks who can. Those reserve parents, despite being poor do pay school taxes. Their kids should be in school. Someone should care.
Matter Of Factly,
Source: The Office Of MLA Pearl Calahasen, Lesser Slave Lake.
February Xth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Your move to gut the 23 Trustees of the Northland District was defnitely the right move. Despite Pearl Calahasen's objections. These trustees were not doing their job & frankly left the kids in a mess. Which considering they were drawing wages is intolerable.
My suggestion David is that you hire back retired bus drivers & ones that have been laid off in other districts. We need to get drivers in there who will bring the kids to that multi million dollar school that is sitting empty. I mean what a waste. As well as schools throughout the jurisdiction that are not being used to capacity.
If Alberta Education has to put the drivers up in hotels, so be it. If they want to set up temporary camping facilities in say a couple of unused classrooms, then there is no room costs for the Province. Just the costs of meals, which could be doled out in the school cafeteria each day. Lets maximize the space David, lets get in school bus drivers that are motivated. If the drivers who work in the area can't do the job, then its time to bring in folks who can. Those reserve parents, despite being poor do pay school taxes. Their kids should be in school. Someone should care.
Matter Of Factly,
Source: The Office Of MLA Pearl Calahasen, Lesser Slave Lake.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Seatbelt Safety Its Just Common Sense
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February IXth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I would argue that its appalling that there are still no seatbelts on school buses. Whether they be going out of commission, a few years old, or just brought in new for new schools or districts that require replacements. David, its my contention that all serviceable buses in this great Province should have mandated seatbelts. Whether they be 10 years or new.
It seems to me David that children's safety is the only priority. When Premier Donald Ross Getty, a predecessor of yours in Whitemud instilled that seatbelt mandatory law, by cabinet order, it should have been extended to all buses in the Province. But the former Premioer's thinking on this was that it would take too long to get kids out if the bus caught on fire or went over an embankment. What needs to happen David is that the Government Departments of Infrastructure & Education need to get together & install seatbelts on every school bus. Call up Teddy Morton at Finance. I bet you Albertans would support an initiative of an extra $5.00 surcharge levied on their Driver's License Renewals to pay for the program. This offset will help ensure that Ed doesn't have to dip to far into the rainy day funds. Plus, kids would be safe! And David, isn't all that counts?!
Lap It,
Source: Former Premer Donald Ross Getty.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February IXth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I would argue that its appalling that there are still no seatbelts on school buses. Whether they be going out of commission, a few years old, or just brought in new for new schools or districts that require replacements. David, its my contention that all serviceable buses in this great Province should have mandated seatbelts. Whether they be 10 years or new.
It seems to me David that children's safety is the only priority. When Premier Donald Ross Getty, a predecessor of yours in Whitemud instilled that seatbelt mandatory law, by cabinet order, it should have been extended to all buses in the Province. But the former Premioer's thinking on this was that it would take too long to get kids out if the bus caught on fire or went over an embankment. What needs to happen David is that the Government Departments of Infrastructure & Education need to get together & install seatbelts on every school bus. Call up Teddy Morton at Finance. I bet you Albertans would support an initiative of an extra $5.00 surcharge levied on their Driver's License Renewals to pay for the program. This offset will help ensure that Ed doesn't have to dip to far into the rainy day funds. Plus, kids would be safe! And David, isn't all that counts?!
Lap It,
Source: Former Premer Donald Ross Getty.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Sandy Lane Sandy Lake Sandy Beach Sand Trucks Sandy Bullock Sandy Day O'Connor Sandy Dee Sandy Koufax
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street,
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February VIIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
The children on the cover of today's Edmonton Journal (Pg. A1) at Pelican Mountain Elementary at Sandy Lake look the way they should: happy, healthy & productive. But rather than move the students, should not the budget for this very successful school be increased & have kids from less constructive jurisdictions come there? I would argue that the 18 children in attendance there would be better off staying with their families. As well as learning from their aboriginal elders right on site.
I am not saying move all of the students, but since the kids are driven to Wabasca for Junior & Senior High School anyway, trucking kids to Sandy Lake for Elementary learning might be aproros. Especially as the kids already in attendance there are getting such a wonderful education. Keep the school as a 100% strictly Elementary focus. This seems to be a successful formula, so why mess with a good thing?
The passion these students show for all of their classes is unbelievable. It might be better David if you converted lesson plans over to say Cree rather than move the children to another school. If the children can learn in their own language first, they can then pick up English &/or French or other languages once they start exploring the world & becoming more aware of th customs of other cultures.
So David, do not mess with a good thing. Keep the children at Sandy Lake. Its where they belong, its where they are most happy & productive. Keep Pelican Mountain open!
Source: Northland School District #61.
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February VIIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
The children on the cover of today's Edmonton Journal (Pg. A1) at Pelican Mountain Elementary at Sandy Lake look the way they should: happy, healthy & productive. But rather than move the students, should not the budget for this very successful school be increased & have kids from less constructive jurisdictions come there? I would argue that the 18 children in attendance there would be better off staying with their families. As well as learning from their aboriginal elders right on site.
I am not saying move all of the students, but since the kids are driven to Wabasca for Junior & Senior High School anyway, trucking kids to Sandy Lake for Elementary learning might be aproros. Especially as the kids already in attendance there are getting such a wonderful education. Keep the school as a 100% strictly Elementary focus. This seems to be a successful formula, so why mess with a good thing?
The passion these students show for all of their classes is unbelievable. It might be better David if you converted lesson plans over to say Cree rather than move the children to another school. If the children can learn in their own language first, they can then pick up English &/or French or other languages once they start exploring the world & becoming more aware of th customs of other cultures.
So David, do not mess with a good thing. Keep the children at Sandy Lake. Its where they belong, its where they are most happy & productive. Keep Pelican Mountain open!
Source: Northland School District #61.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
For The Future For The Children For And Not Against
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February VIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I think that a meeting between members of clergy of different faiths & the Public & Catholic Trustees might be in order. This cross coordinated meeting could be held at the Centre IV Education at Kingsway & should also include potential Foster Parents & citizens of higher economical means/resources who may want to help.
The results should be made public & if the Government of Canada could be counted onto provide a C-130 or Charter plane, citizens who want to Foster or adopt these children who are in such desperate need should be able to do so quickly & decisively. The children then come here & get educated. Preferrably mainly in their French/Creole language first & then also in English.
By giving these kids the motor skills they need, they can then choose to become valuable Haitian members of our Edmonton mosaic, or they can instead choose to return to Haiti & help rebuild their homeland with the assets they have obtained here. Or a combination of both. Would you not agree David that the children of Haiti by making their nation strong again with the best of Alberta's resources make not only their birthland, but their adopted land a more exciting & vibrant place to be?
Do lets get going on this David, talk to Thomas over at Immigration. Let us cut through the red tape & be strong for the most fragile of citizens.
Futurama Prime,
Source: Edmonton Public Schools.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February VIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I think that a meeting between members of clergy of different faiths & the Public & Catholic Trustees might be in order. This cross coordinated meeting could be held at the Centre IV Education at Kingsway & should also include potential Foster Parents & citizens of higher economical means/resources who may want to help.
The results should be made public & if the Government of Canada could be counted onto provide a C-130 or Charter plane, citizens who want to Foster or adopt these children who are in such desperate need should be able to do so quickly & decisively. The children then come here & get educated. Preferrably mainly in their French/Creole language first & then also in English.
By giving these kids the motor skills they need, they can then choose to become valuable Haitian members of our Edmonton mosaic, or they can instead choose to return to Haiti & help rebuild their homeland with the assets they have obtained here. Or a combination of both. Would you not agree David that the children of Haiti by making their nation strong again with the best of Alberta's resources make not only their birthland, but their adopted land a more exciting & vibrant place to be?
Do lets get going on this David, talk to Thomas over at Immigration. Let us cut through the red tape & be strong for the most fragile of citizens.
Futurama Prime,
Source: Edmonton Public Schools.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Restoring Capacity Restoring Humanity
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February VIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Do you realize that if we to truck in kids from Haiti & foster family's could be found for them, Chairman Fleming would not have to talk about shutting down any of those schools. Especially if we limit the attendance of the immigrant Haitian children to those schools under the chopping block? So then again you have 100% capacity usage.
You just get rich sponsors & governmental groups to split the costs of bringing the kids here & giving them a chance at success. I would argue increasing the level of Haitian immigrants to Edmonton & any other underused school areas would increase the rich cultural mosaic of this province.
You pay their foster family's a portion of their school costs to enroll their new charges. Thus the property/school tax revenue stream goes up & since there are a never endng supply of kids who need help (sadly) we can give them the best thing we can do, a valuable education. Besides, its not just the Christian thing to do, but a thing we can do that benefits all sides, all humanity!
Blessings To Elizabeth The IInd On The 58th Anniversary Of Her Reign,
Source: The European Union.
February VIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Do you realize that if we to truck in kids from Haiti & foster family's could be found for them, Chairman Fleming would not have to talk about shutting down any of those schools. Especially if we limit the attendance of the immigrant Haitian children to those schools under the chopping block? So then again you have 100% capacity usage.
You just get rich sponsors & governmental groups to split the costs of bringing the kids here & giving them a chance at success. I would argue increasing the level of Haitian immigrants to Edmonton & any other underused school areas would increase the rich cultural mosaic of this province.
You pay their foster family's a portion of their school costs to enroll their new charges. Thus the property/school tax revenue stream goes up & since there are a never endng supply of kids who need help (sadly) we can give them the best thing we can do, a valuable education. Besides, its not just the Christian thing to do, but a thing we can do that benefits all sides, all humanity!
Blessings To Elizabeth The IInd On The 58th Anniversary Of Her Reign,
Source: The European Union.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Religious Tolerance Acumen
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February Vth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I realize you cannot force Christian or Catholic faculty's & facilities that offer Christian courses to change the style & content of their actual courses. Nor the suggestion that the students use the New International Version of the Bible. While an excellent read, there are certainly other good versions of the Holy Book that have been translated to English. My favorite of course is the King James Version. Its an older way of speaking, but to me a more eloquent way of doing so. Isn't it human rights discrimination to enforce true believers of the Christian word & those of other faiths that might want to take Christian courses & use a version that might be more comfortable to them?
Other options include the New English Bible, Bibles written in other languages, after all who is to say that an English derived course has to have its sourced material from an English Bible when other languages are just as valid? Other choices include the Revised Standard Version, Young's Literal Translation & the Latin Vulgate.
Let us have peace among the Christian flock & peace among those expressing a Christian interest. Make all of the religious courses in Christianity accessible & tolerant for all forms of the written word & associated religious texts such as the Book of Mormon.
Prophecy Fulfilled,
Souce: The Billy Graham Evangelstic Association.
February Vth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I realize you cannot force Christian or Catholic faculty's & facilities that offer Christian courses to change the style & content of their actual courses. Nor the suggestion that the students use the New International Version of the Bible. While an excellent read, there are certainly other good versions of the Holy Book that have been translated to English. My favorite of course is the King James Version. Its an older way of speaking, but to me a more eloquent way of doing so. Isn't it human rights discrimination to enforce true believers of the Christian word & those of other faiths that might want to take Christian courses & use a version that might be more comfortable to them?
Other options include the New English Bible, Bibles written in other languages, after all who is to say that an English derived course has to have its sourced material from an English Bible when other languages are just as valid? Other choices include the Revised Standard Version, Young's Literal Translation & the Latin Vulgate.
Let us have peace among the Christian flock & peace among those expressing a Christian interest. Make all of the religious courses in Christianity accessible & tolerant for all forms of the written word & associated religious texts such as the Book of Mormon.
Prophecy Fulfilled,
Souce: The Billy Graham Evangelstic Association.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Two IV One One IV Two Tea IV Two And Two IV Tea
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February IVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
It seems to me that a lot of money could be saved if you apply the two district, one facility to the Catholic & Public School Administration Buildings. I fully believe that there should be an amendment to the School Act, forcing the Trustees from the Catholic district & all of their administraive staff to move into the Centre IV Education on Kingsway. This would not only save time & money, but the Public & Catholic branches would only have to pay half the costs each.
It seems to me David that this would be a good financial move & save Teddy Morton a chunk of change for administrative costs on the Department of Education. To save money by affecting administration is not only econmically smart, its wise & just basic common sense. We need education to not just be more efficient but more grassroots & for the kids. Clearly they are the priority, after all the educational administrators of the future will come from their ranks, from both divisions.
Theodore Roosevelt,
Soure: Edmonton Catholic Schools.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February IVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
It seems to me that a lot of money could be saved if you apply the two district, one facility to the Catholic & Public School Administration Buildings. I fully believe that there should be an amendment to the School Act, forcing the Trustees from the Catholic district & all of their administraive staff to move into the Centre IV Education on Kingsway. This would not only save time & money, but the Public & Catholic branches would only have to pay half the costs each.
It seems to me David that this would be a good financial move & save Teddy Morton a chunk of change for administrative costs on the Department of Education. To save money by affecting administration is not only econmically smart, its wise & just basic common sense. We need education to not just be more efficient but more grassroots & for the kids. Clearly they are the priority, after all the educational administrators of the future will come from their ranks, from both divisions.
Theodore Roosevelt,
Soure: Edmonton Catholic Schools.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
The Littlest Of Lives
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February IIIrd, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
To say what happened to the two boys in Millet was beyond sick is an understatement. While being one of our fine agricultural communities, Millet like any other desolate & isolated area needs better protection for its children. Stepped up RCMP patrols at different intervals checking on the health of babies, kids & teenagers who are say suspended from school, or are being home schooled should be a top priority.
Why this nutbar of a woman didn't make one call to 911 or her local constabulary for help is beyond me. One call to 911 would have produced either officers of the law, an ambulance, or both. If she wants to try & harm herself fine, but why not put the totally vulnerable children into the care of the elder they were supposed to be with, their grandmother.
Clearly kids who are not in school are just as valuable an asset as kids who attend educational facility's. So why not treat them so? The key here is David that there needs to be a better support system in place. The father is not to blame, the grandmother seems to have deflected her agreed responsibility on the mother. If they knew the mother had a chemical imbalance (& they did otherwise why didn't she have custody of her kids) then they should have institutionalized her immediately in the University of Alberta or Royal Alexandra Hospital Psychiatric Wards. There she could roam around freely in her room or be restrained if needed. Safe from harming herself & others, medicated to calm her down.
Clearly this woman still needs compassion, why she couldn't perform the basic motherly biological imperative & protect her own kids from her harmful touch is beyond reason. I do not say that she does have or doesn't have diminished mental capacity. But I have nothing but vitriol & hate for her. Its times like this that the death penalty should still be an option. I mean 2.5 years & 10 months old? They will never get a chance at a great long life, which is really unfair because their murderer gets to keep hers. Save the kids, fight for their dignity. Fight for justice!
Rory J. Koopmans
Souce: The Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February IIIrd, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
To say what happened to the two boys in Millet was beyond sick is an understatement. While being one of our fine agricultural communities, Millet like any other desolate & isolated area needs better protection for its children. Stepped up RCMP patrols at different intervals checking on the health of babies, kids & teenagers who are say suspended from school, or are being home schooled should be a top priority.
Why this nutbar of a woman didn't make one call to 911 or her local constabulary for help is beyond me. One call to 911 would have produced either officers of the law, an ambulance, or both. If she wants to try & harm herself fine, but why not put the totally vulnerable children into the care of the elder they were supposed to be with, their grandmother.
Clearly kids who are not in school are just as valuable an asset as kids who attend educational facility's. So why not treat them so? The key here is David that there needs to be a better support system in place. The father is not to blame, the grandmother seems to have deflected her agreed responsibility on the mother. If they knew the mother had a chemical imbalance (& they did otherwise why didn't she have custody of her kids) then they should have institutionalized her immediately in the University of Alberta or Royal Alexandra Hospital Psychiatric Wards. There she could roam around freely in her room or be restrained if needed. Safe from harming herself & others, medicated to calm her down.
Clearly this woman still needs compassion, why she couldn't perform the basic motherly biological imperative & protect her own kids from her harmful touch is beyond reason. I do not say that she does have or doesn't have diminished mental capacity. But I have nothing but vitriol & hate for her. Its times like this that the death penalty should still be an option. I mean 2.5 years & 10 months old? They will never get a chance at a great long life, which is really unfair because their murderer gets to keep hers. Save the kids, fight for their dignity. Fight for justice!
Rory J. Koopmans
Souce: The Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Abstain Abstinence Absolve Abdicate About
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February IInd, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I truly realize that teaching kids to abstain from sexual activities while in school is definitely the best way. But I vocifeously disagree with the Catholic Church's official stance on the use of condoms & other safety measures in terms of sexual activities. Now lets be completely honest David, teenagers, even Catholic teenagers are human. They are of course going to have a biological imperative to participate in many different sexual activities while still residing in the halls of their schools, even I am sure at points having sexual relations in the school's themselves.
I am not saying that their choice to participate in these activities is right or is wrong. Not at all, no David. What I am saying is that the use of condoms should be tacitly supported by the Health & Education Department's of Her Majesty's Government. Whatever the stance of the papal office of Benedict XVIth & his late predecessors, condom use does save lives. Both male & female condoms that is. Maybe they do not prevent teenagers from engaging in sex acts, but they certaily do cut down on the number of diseases associated with these activities, of which the teenagers are going to participate in anyway.
It is not for me to say whether it is wrong or whether it is right for the Catholic or any church to promote abstinence. My personal belief is that kids should abstain as much as possible because unwanted babies can be an unpleasant burden on the state & for society to bear in terms of costs such as health problems, diseases, etc. I am not ramming this idea down the throat of the Catholic church or any church. But wouldn't it makes sense for local ecumenical officials to provide condoms and ther birth control methods on a more frequent basis to the kids right at their school sites?
If the kids are going to try different activities anyway, why not get going on the fight against disease & unwanted pregnancy right at the ground level? Why not make kids know that they do not have to be ashamed of their sexual being? Let them know that society may not approve or disapprove of their actions. But that it understands they have natural urges and wants to keep them safe as much as possible.
Blessings & Happy Groundhog Day,
Source: Bristol Palin.
February IInd, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I truly realize that teaching kids to abstain from sexual activities while in school is definitely the best way. But I vocifeously disagree with the Catholic Church's official stance on the use of condoms & other safety measures in terms of sexual activities. Now lets be completely honest David, teenagers, even Catholic teenagers are human. They are of course going to have a biological imperative to participate in many different sexual activities while still residing in the halls of their schools, even I am sure at points having sexual relations in the school's themselves.
I am not saying that their choice to participate in these activities is right or is wrong. Not at all, no David. What I am saying is that the use of condoms should be tacitly supported by the Health & Education Department's of Her Majesty's Government. Whatever the stance of the papal office of Benedict XVIth & his late predecessors, condom use does save lives. Both male & female condoms that is. Maybe they do not prevent teenagers from engaging in sex acts, but they certaily do cut down on the number of diseases associated with these activities, of which the teenagers are going to participate in anyway.
It is not for me to say whether it is wrong or whether it is right for the Catholic or any church to promote abstinence. My personal belief is that kids should abstain as much as possible because unwanted babies can be an unpleasant burden on the state & for society to bear in terms of costs such as health problems, diseases, etc. I am not ramming this idea down the throat of the Catholic church or any church. But wouldn't it makes sense for local ecumenical officials to provide condoms and ther birth control methods on a more frequent basis to the kids right at their school sites?
If the kids are going to try different activities anyway, why not get going on the fight against disease & unwanted pregnancy right at the ground level? Why not make kids know that they do not have to be ashamed of their sexual being? Let them know that society may not approve or disapprove of their actions. But that it understands they have natural urges and wants to keep them safe as much as possible.
Blessings & Happy Groundhog Day,
Source: Bristol Palin.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Coordination Cooperation Comforting
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.,15902-100A Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5P 0L8
February Ist, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
As I do not have the contact information for the Gay Pride Centres in Edmonton or Calgary, I suggest you pass this onto them. Its my gut feeling that students of a homosexual nature should have a provincially assigned coordinator through the Pride Centre's that can assist in any educational problems they may have, in relation that is to their chosen orientation.
This person could advocate from either Edmonton or Calgary Provincewide for all students who may be in trouble just because they are different. They could meet these students thru Skype, webcam & other venues such as teleconferencing. As well as travelling to hotspots and rural centres on a semi regular basis for the more comforting, face to face format.
We need to know that gay people are looked after. A gay student may believe in gay marriage & a teacher not, say in a Catholic or Christian setting. But this difference of opinion should not make the teacher treat that student as any less of a person or vice versa the student when s/he has established a difference in opinion with their educator.
David, the sooner this is up & running, the sooner we can stop hate in our educational institutions. All students, gay or straight should be encouraged to want to grow up & be a strong & contributing member of Alberta's rich cultural mosaic!
Source: Gay Calgary Magazine.
February Ist, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
As I do not have the contact information for the Gay Pride Centres in Edmonton or Calgary, I suggest you pass this onto them. Its my gut feeling that students of a homosexual nature should have a provincially assigned coordinator through the Pride Centre's that can assist in any educational problems they may have, in relation that is to their chosen orientation.
This person could advocate from either Edmonton or Calgary Provincewide for all students who may be in trouble just because they are different. They could meet these students thru Skype, webcam & other venues such as teleconferencing. As well as travelling to hotspots and rural centres on a semi regular basis for the more comforting, face to face format.
We need to know that gay people are looked after. A gay student may believe in gay marriage & a teacher not, say in a Catholic or Christian setting. But this difference of opinion should not make the teacher treat that student as any less of a person or vice versa the student when s/he has established a difference in opinion with their educator.
David, the sooner this is up & running, the sooner we can stop hate in our educational institutions. All students, gay or straight should be encouraged to want to grow up & be a strong & contributing member of Alberta's rich cultural mosaic!
Source: Gay Calgary Magazine.
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