Rory J. Koopmans, B.Admin.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5z2
October XXXIst, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
As Alberta kids (including students) go out tonight collecting candy with their family & friends, I feel that safety should be very evident. They should wear some light & reflective clothing thats built into their costumes. Or even reflective stickers. This will improve their overall safety chances of survival if say a car gets out of control at an intersection. The students should also tell their adult guardians that are walking with them that they should also have reflective markers on their clothing.
Carry A Flashlight As Well,
Source: Blockparent.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
The University Of Alberta Showcase Showdown
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XXXth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
This seems rather exciting David. The University Of Alberta Faculty Of Extension is holding Lunch Hour Showcases from 11:30am-1:30pm on Tuesday, November IInd & Wednesday, November IIIrd. I definitely plan to attend. Learning is a lifelong adventure & classes being highlighted include topics such as: Adult Continuing Education, Occupational Health & Safety, & Fine Arts: as well as many others.
Winter Spring MMXI,
Source: Www.Extension.UAlberta.Ca.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XXXth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
This seems rather exciting David. The University Of Alberta Faculty Of Extension is holding Lunch Hour Showcases from 11:30am-1:30pm on Tuesday, November IInd & Wednesday, November IIIrd. I definitely plan to attend. Learning is a lifelong adventure & classes being highlighted include topics such as: Adult Continuing Education, Occupational Health & Safety, & Fine Arts: as well as many others.
Winter Spring MMXI,
Source: Www.Extension.UAlberta.Ca.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Palsy Cerebral
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XXIXth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
What a great Lego robot that is being put II use by XIV year old Chelsea Hagan. This robot lets her overcome her disability of cerebral palsy and she can now actively count and take active participatory roles in her mathematics classes. Whereas beIV, she was stuck in neutral, learning, but not being able II do things IV herself. You can't grow as a person unless you can peform the physical/cognitive tests that are set aside in your math textbooks.
Hurrah IV Technological Breakthroughs,
Source: The Edmonton Journal, Conal Pierse.
October XXIXth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
What a great Lego robot that is being put II use by XIV year old Chelsea Hagan. This robot lets her overcome her disability of cerebral palsy and she can now actively count and take active participatory roles in her mathematics classes. Whereas beIV, she was stuck in neutral, learning, but not being able II do things IV herself. You can't grow as a person unless you can peform the physical/cognitive tests that are set aside in your math textbooks.
Hurrah IV Technological Breakthroughs,
Source: The Edmonton Journal, Conal Pierse.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Grant MacEwan University: A Great Place II Be

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XXVIIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
We should definitely encourage students to further their post secondary learning adventures by attending the Grant MacEwan University Open House on Saturday, November VIth. As a June MCMXCVII graduate with a Management Studies Diploma, I can truly say what a great school it is. I can also further attest to the stellar leadership & character of its leader, President J.Paul Byrne.
My MacEwan,
Source: Www.MacEwan.Ca.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Daybreak In Daycare
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XXVIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progessive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Alberta Auditor General Merwan Saher has it right on the money. Daycare & Dayhome records must be more accurately kept so that the Children's Services Department knows that Alberta youngsters aren't being left behind. Lets get this problem fixed & fixed right now. After all these aren't these the future students of Alberta, do they not deserve the best this Province has II offer?
Working A Day Shift,
Source: The Edmonton Journal, Darcy Henton & Karen Kleiss.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XXVIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progessive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Alberta Auditor General Merwan Saher has it right on the money. Daycare & Dayhome records must be more accurately kept so that the Children's Services Department knows that Alberta youngsters aren't being left behind. Lets get this problem fixed & fixed right now. After all these aren't these the future students of Alberta, do they not deserve the best this Province has II offer?
Working A Day Shift,
Source: The Edmonton Journal, Darcy Henton & Karen Kleiss.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Hazing Schmazing
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XXVIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I agree with letter writer Gordon Stamp IIday in The Edmonton Journal. His decision not to join a fraternity was very wise. Staying independent is a very good idea. It lets you explore more & develop your own skills during the University mindset days. My feeling is that all hazing worldwide should be banned entirely. You can still have fraternity's with fun rituals, but hazing needs to be totally wiped out forever. Students do not need the humiliation.
Source: The Edmonton Journal, Gordon Stamp.
October XXVIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I agree with letter writer Gordon Stamp IIday in The Edmonton Journal. His decision not to join a fraternity was very wise. Staying independent is a very good idea. It lets you explore more & develop your own skills during the University mindset days. My feeling is that all hazing worldwide should be banned entirely. You can still have fraternity's with fun rituals, but hazing needs to be totally wiped out forever. Students do not need the humiliation.
Source: The Edmonton Journal, Gordon Stamp.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Playa Squawk
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Beverly Crest Public Library Terminal #XXXI, Edmonton, Alberta
October XXVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
We need II spread the word that library's are not just as great place IV students, but IV family's as well. Here at Beverly Crest Branch EPL on October XXVIIth there is a focus on babies. Having books talk about by experts, parents, and read II the babies & toddlers themselves will serve II educate the children. Hearing the oration from their parents, guardians, as welll as positive role models will put the babies on the right path II fully developed cognitive function. For that we as Albertans can be thankful. The more streetsmarts a baby has in early development, the better it will be able to handle life as it enters toddlerhood, & then starts on their educational journey with playschool.
Informational Consumerate,
Source: Www.Epl.Ca.
October XXVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
We need II spread the word that library's are not just as great place IV students, but IV family's as well. Here at Beverly Crest Branch EPL on October XXVIIth there is a focus on babies. Having books talk about by experts, parents, and read II the babies & toddlers themselves will serve II educate the children. Hearing the oration from their parents, guardians, as welll as positive role models will put the babies on the right path II fully developed cognitive function. For that we as Albertans can be thankful. The more streetsmarts a baby has in early development, the better it will be able to handle life as it enters toddlerhood, & then starts on their educational journey with playschool.
Informational Consumerate,
Source: Www.Epl.Ca.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XXIVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progessive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
In Dr. Kevin Taft's flyer, the Liberal MLA for Edmonton-Riverview, Former Alberta Liberal Party Leader & Former Leader Of Her Majesty's Loyal Official Opposition says he is now supportive of the City's Expo MMXVII bid. A chance to develop the University Of Alberta Farm lands responsibly in conjunction with neighbors and such. Well I say II Alberta students, why does it make sense to destroy the perfectly suitable agricultural land of the University Farm? Would it not make sense to instead shuttle the Expo bid over II the Municipal Airport Lands which with the 10-3 vote IV closure by Council (ignoring a valid petition) are going II be razed anyway?
Destroying agriculutural land that also serves as valuable agricultural research & training IV farming & agricultural students just does not make sense at all to me. There is plenty of other open land in the city. Redeveloping the old Gainers meatpacking land with an Expo set of buildings would do a lot more to revitalize the northeast sector grid.
Source: Www.EdmontonRiverview.Com.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XXIVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progessive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
In Dr. Kevin Taft's flyer, the Liberal MLA for Edmonton-Riverview, Former Alberta Liberal Party Leader & Former Leader Of Her Majesty's Loyal Official Opposition says he is now supportive of the City's Expo MMXVII bid. A chance to develop the University Of Alberta Farm lands responsibly in conjunction with neighbors and such. Well I say II Alberta students, why does it make sense to destroy the perfectly suitable agricultural land of the University Farm? Would it not make sense to instead shuttle the Expo bid over II the Municipal Airport Lands which with the 10-3 vote IV closure by Council (ignoring a valid petition) are going II be razed anyway?
Destroying agriculutural land that also serves as valuable agricultural research & training IV farming & agricultural students just does not make sense at all to me. There is plenty of other open land in the city. Redeveloping the old Gainers meatpacking land with an Expo set of buildings would do a lot more to revitalize the northeast sector grid.
Source: Www.EdmontonRiverview.Com.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
The Diefenbunker

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XXIIIrd, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
During the first Mayoral Forum at Harry Ainlay High School in September, I noticed quite a bit of rebar exposed in the cracked concrete on the southeastern corner of the facility. This is where I parked my vehicle upon entering & I realized what a terrible tripping hazard this is IV students who are negotiating those walkways II both enter & exit that facility. For safety reasons David, wooden or metal ramps that are screwed or bolted down should be properly affixed to these problem concrete areas so that students can walk them & thus not worry about hurting themselves. This will of course then serve as a stop gap measure until proper cement/concrete repair crews can be sent in. Maybe ask Mayor-Elect Mandel if he can loan out some City street pothole repair crews.
Concrete Evidence,
Source: Www.Epsb.Ca.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Family In The All
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XXIInd, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
What great news David. McMaster University in the great city of Hamilton, Ontario exceeded its fundraising sustainablity goal of $400 million. In fact, it made it to $474 million. I mean what a superb educational achievement, especially in "Steeltown" during these hard economic times. I certainly congratuate President Patrick Dean & the whole School Executive & Campaign Volunteers!
Go Ticats,
Source: Www.McMaster.Ca/Ua/Opt/Times.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XXIInd, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
What great news David. McMaster University in the great city of Hamilton, Ontario exceeded its fundraising sustainablity goal of $400 million. In fact, it made it to $474 million. I mean what a superb educational achievement, especially in "Steeltown" during these hard economic times. I certainly congratuate President Patrick Dean & the whole School Executive & Campaign Volunteers!
Go Ticats,
Source: Www.McMaster.Ca/Ua/Opt/Times.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
A Lucky Break For A Newborn
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XXIst, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
All hail the heroic actions of the gentleman (who turned out to be the baby's father) & the other passers by who used their shirts & got towels II keep the baby found in a Calgary dumpster warm. Can you believe how sick the mother must have been, she says she didn't know she was pregnant, neither did the baby's father. But that doesn't give her the right II put the baby in a garbage bag in hopes that it will suffer. I mean just talk about awful.
Common sense should have prevailed. She should have taken the new baby over to a friend's. Or perhaps called a taxi or an ambulance. Or even taken the child II the nearest medical facility, where arguably both she & the newborn would have received the finest in medical care. Even if she wanted II abandon the baby, at least take it to a hospital so that it can have at least a chance in life.
Quick Thinking,
Soure: The Calgary Sun, Bill Kaufman.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XXIst, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
All hail the heroic actions of the gentleman (who turned out to be the baby's father) & the other passers by who used their shirts & got towels II keep the baby found in a Calgary dumpster warm. Can you believe how sick the mother must have been, she says she didn't know she was pregnant, neither did the baby's father. But that doesn't give her the right II put the baby in a garbage bag in hopes that it will suffer. I mean just talk about awful.
Common sense should have prevailed. She should have taken the new baby over to a friend's. Or perhaps called a taxi or an ambulance. Or even taken the child II the nearest medical facility, where arguably both she & the newborn would have received the finest in medical care. Even if she wanted II abandon the baby, at least take it to a hospital so that it can have at least a chance in life.
Quick Thinking,
Soure: The Calgary Sun, Bill Kaufman.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Alert Status
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XXth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I just want II give a shout out II the kids at Spruce Grove's St. Marguerite Catholic Middle School IV raising allergy awareness by carrying Epi-pens around with them. As a person who is allergic to peanut butter & shellfish myself I am strongly aware of the need IV these programs. Your choice of this school as the Canadian Anaphylaxis Readiness Program, a web based awareness course was excellent to say the least. The more kids are aware that they need II look out IV their own safety, the more important they will realize looking out IV the safety of their fellow students is.
Source: The Edmonton Journal, Sarah O'Donnell.
October XXth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I just want II give a shout out II the kids at Spruce Grove's St. Marguerite Catholic Middle School IV raising allergy awareness by carrying Epi-pens around with them. As a person who is allergic to peanut butter & shellfish myself I am strongly aware of the need IV these programs. Your choice of this school as the Canadian Anaphylaxis Readiness Program, a web based awareness course was excellent to say the least. The more kids are aware that they need II look out IV their own safety, the more important they will realize looking out IV the safety of their fellow students is.
Source: The Edmonton Journal, Sarah O'Donnell.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I Stand Down
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate Emeritus, 15902-100A Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5P 0L8
October XIXth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I have officially conceded second place to my Ward A opponent, Mr. Kevan Warner & to the new Trustee-Elect, Mrs. Cheryl Johner I say congratulations on a great race. Use your 1,096 consecutive days in office wisely Mrs Johner. And Cheryl, use them IV the children.
Exit Stage Right,
Source: Myself.
October XIXth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I have officially conceded second place to my Ward A opponent, Mr. Kevan Warner & to the new Trustee-Elect, Mrs. Cheryl Johner I say congratulations on a great race. Use your 1,096 consecutive days in office wisely Mrs Johner. And Cheryl, use them IV the children.
Exit Stage Right,
Source: Myself.
Monday, October 18, 2010
All Hail Mr. Scott
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
Beverly Crest Public Terminal #XLII
Edmonton, Alberta
October XVIIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
We need to put an increased emphasis on the foundations of cannibalized older schools that are closed, but that still owned by their respective School Boards. Same with the newer schools. Professional engineers & Provincial & Civic Building Authority personnel need II go inII these new schools & demand they be shored up so that the kids in newer schools do not wind up having to go to perhaps even older schools that are in worse shape.
Basic Engineering Principles,
Source: The Government Of Alberta, Department Of Infrastructure.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
Beverly Crest Public Terminal #XLII
Edmonton, Alberta
October XVIIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
We need to put an increased emphasis on the foundations of cannibalized older schools that are closed, but that still owned by their respective School Boards. Same with the newer schools. Professional engineers & Provincial & Civic Building Authority personnel need II go inII these new schools & demand they be shored up so that the kids in newer schools do not wind up having to go to perhaps even older schools that are in worse shape.
Basic Engineering Principles,
Source: The Government Of Alberta, Department Of Infrastructure.
I Am Horrid
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate, Beverly Crest Public Library Terminal #XLII, Edmonton, Alberta
October XVIIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I just want II congratulate all of my fellow candidates IV all levels of public office across Alberta tonight. Especially my esteemed competitors in Ward A Edmonton Public Trustee race. Students can learn how there are people of superb quality in elections & Mrs. Cheryl Johner & Mr. Kevan Warner are so much better then me in every way. I just wish I could even come close II matching them both in class & grace.
Alas I Cannot,
Source: Myself.
October XVIIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I just want II congratulate all of my fellow candidates IV all levels of public office across Alberta tonight. Especially my esteemed competitors in Ward A Edmonton Public Trustee race. Students can learn how there are people of superb quality in elections & Mrs. Cheryl Johner & Mr. Kevan Warner are so much better then me in every way. I just wish I could even come close II matching them both in class & grace.
Alas I Cannot,
Source: Myself.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Food IV Mormonistic Qualities
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XVIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I would like II commend the Bonnie Doon Branch of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints IV their ambitious Food Bank Drive. Helping poor city kids and their family's from starving is a noble thing II do.
Mormonism Is A Great World Religion,
Source: Myself.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XVIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I would like II commend the Bonnie Doon Branch of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints IV their ambitious Food Bank Drive. Helping poor city kids and their family's from starving is a noble thing II do.
Mormonism Is A Great World Religion,
Source: Myself.
Terrorists Maybe Not
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate, 15902-100A Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5P 0L8
October XVIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
While I cannot deny the kids of the Tamil refugees access II education. I believe that the British Columbia Ministry Of Education is wrong right at this very moment to education thse kids when British Columbia Schools, hell, even schools Canada wide are suffering from financial deficits. The students of British Columbia are in may ways being shafted because they are losing part of their educational stream to these non Canadian, Tamil migrant kids. While the Tamil kids have the right to learn, shouldn't British Columbian kids have the right to learn first? After all, its their parents tax money thats paying IV these boat person kids to be educated, straining an already overburdened system.
Source: Postmedia News, Douglas Quan, Vancouver.
October XVIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
While I cannot deny the kids of the Tamil refugees access II education. I believe that the British Columbia Ministry Of Education is wrong right at this very moment to education thse kids when British Columbia Schools, hell, even schools Canada wide are suffering from financial deficits. The students of British Columbia are in may ways being shafted because they are losing part of their educational stream to these non Canadian, Tamil migrant kids. While the Tamil kids have the right to learn, shouldn't British Columbian kids have the right to learn first? After all, its their parents tax money thats paying IV these boat person kids to be educated, straining an already overburdened system.
Source: Postmedia News, Douglas Quan, Vancouver.
High II Medium Praise
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate, #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XVIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
When the writer of this piece (Araina Bond) says that she might have "stifled" her son Cal Borsten's interest in drawing by praising him II much, I think she might be a bit II hard on herself. While some experts say that praising a child II much IV an abundance of intelligencia can leave them less motivated & dishonest, I somewhat agree.
Praising them IV due dilligence or hard work is also very important. But parents have II strike a balance. Depending on the situation of each child of course there has II be some praise meted out. A lack of praise uring tough junctures can leave a child feeling neglected & left out. So I agree, praising specific behaviour patterns such as tasks well done will instill specifically in the praised child what s/he is being praised IV.
Mindset Praise,
Source: The Ottawa Citizen, Araina Bond.
October XVIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
When the writer of this piece (Araina Bond) says that she might have "stifled" her son Cal Borsten's interest in drawing by praising him II much, I think she might be a bit II hard on herself. While some experts say that praising a child II much IV an abundance of intelligencia can leave them less motivated & dishonest, I somewhat agree.
Praising them IV due dilligence or hard work is also very important. But parents have II strike a balance. Depending on the situation of each child of course there has II be some praise meted out. A lack of praise uring tough junctures can leave a child feeling neglected & left out. So I agree, praising specific behaviour patterns such as tasks well done will instill specifically in the praised child what s/he is being praised IV.
Mindset Praise,
Source: The Ottawa Citizen, Araina Bond.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
The Glass Menagerie
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate, #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XVIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I noticed quite a few picture frames of graduating school classes had their glass smashed in when I have been touring some Ward A schools these last 5.5 months. It behooves me to say something b/c should not glass shards be immediately replaced by a fresh piece of glass to ensure student safety as well as that of teachers, staff, parents as they walk down the halls?
It is my belief David that the pictures of this living history of the school(s) should still be framed, but instead have their glass frontages replaced by safer & lower cost pieces of clear plastic.
Cracked About Safety,
Souce: Www.Epsb.Ca.
October XVIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I noticed quite a few picture frames of graduating school classes had their glass smashed in when I have been touring some Ward A schools these last 5.5 months. It behooves me to say something b/c should not glass shards be immediately replaced by a fresh piece of glass to ensure student safety as well as that of teachers, staff, parents as they walk down the halls?
It is my belief David that the pictures of this living history of the school(s) should still be framed, but instead have their glass frontages replaced by safer & lower cost pieces of clear plastic.
Cracked About Safety,
Souce: Www.Epsb.Ca.
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate, #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XVIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I am glad that Federal & Provincial Justice Ministers met Friday & decided it was wrong II taser pregnant women. Why it was ever allowed in the first place is beyond me. Tasering a mommy can lead the fetus to possibly have developmental disabilities &/or neurological impairments. Which are of course extra hard II deal with in their formative years. Thus leading to health & educational difficulties.
And Justice IV All,
Source: Post Media News, Douglas Quan, Vancouver.
October XVIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I am glad that Federal & Provincial Justice Ministers met Friday & decided it was wrong II taser pregnant women. Why it was ever allowed in the first place is beyond me. Tasering a mommy can lead the fetus to possibly have developmental disabilities &/or neurological impairments. Which are of course extra hard II deal with in their formative years. Thus leading to health & educational difficulties.
And Justice IV All,
Source: Post Media News, Douglas Quan, Vancouver.
Friday, October 15, 2010
The Asia-Pacific Theatre Of Operations
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate, #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Source: The University Of Alberta Alumni Magazine, Larry Louie, B. Sc.
Source: Gordon Holden.
Source: University Of Alberta President Indira Samarasekera.
Sources: As Above.
October XVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
"As we enter the "Asian Century," the University Of Alberta (U Of A) strategically positions itself as a nexus between China & the West."
Source: The University Of Alberta Alumni Magazine, Larry Louie, B. Sc.
"What's driven China's growth is it emphasis on education."
Source: Gordon Holden.
"Chinese students are a tremendous asset to universities like the U Of A."
Source: University Of Alberta President Indira Samarasekera.
Sources: As Above.
Embrace Not Disgrace
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate, Calder (Kensington) Public Library Terminal #XII, Edmonton, Alberta
October XVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I strongly encourage students II follow the example of the Calder (Kensington) Branch EPL staff here. There was a rather stressed young fellow here about 35 minutes ago who said he was II embarrassed to ask a question of the library staff personally as he has a stutter from his medicines & a car accident.
I took the time II explain to him about my autism spectrum disorder troubles & that I wasn't letting them get me down as I was running hard in my fight IV a Ward A Public School Trustee seat. So I told the young lad, write his questions & contact information including his email on paper so tnhat the staff could give a reasonable response in a timely matter & fashion.
He thought that idea was so cool, so we got a staffer to bring us some blank paper & then he could feel happy that his study needs were being met. I told him: "Buddy, learn to embrace, love, & then conquer your disability. Do not become a victim of it!"
I Sure Haven't,
Source: Www.Epl.Ca & the "Campaign II Elect Rory Johannes Koopmans Ward A Edmonton Public School Trustee On October XVIIIth (18th),
October XVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I strongly encourage students II follow the example of the Calder (Kensington) Branch EPL staff here. There was a rather stressed young fellow here about 35 minutes ago who said he was II embarrassed to ask a question of the library staff personally as he has a stutter from his medicines & a car accident.
I took the time II explain to him about my autism spectrum disorder troubles & that I wasn't letting them get me down as I was running hard in my fight IV a Ward A Public School Trustee seat. So I told the young lad, write his questions & contact information including his email on paper so tnhat the staff could give a reasonable response in a timely matter & fashion.
He thought that idea was so cool, so we got a staffer to bring us some blank paper & then he could feel happy that his study needs were being met. I told him: "Buddy, learn to embrace, love, & then conquer your disability. Do not become a victim of it!"
I Sure Haven't,
Source: Www.Epl.Ca & the "Campaign II Elect Rory Johannes Koopmans Ward A Edmonton Public School Trustee On October XVIIIth (18th),
Treat & Cope
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate, Calder (Kensington) Public Library Terminal #XII, Edmonton, Alberta
October XVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Congratulations II little Aydan Tanasichuk who has autism IV being the go to little gaffer IV the sod turning ceremony IV the new Maier Centre IV Autism Services at 17451-103rd Avenue. I fully endorse the Children's Autism Society & its directors Terri Duncan, Trent Androshuk & the rest of the team in their efforts II get the ball successfully rolling on this matter. As a person with high functioning autism, or aspberger's syndrome & Ward A Public School Trustee Candidate, I will fight hard if successfully elected for the full 1,096 consecutive days in office term to get increased funding IV kids with this disorder. Its a personal fight IV me & all of those afflicted.
Vote Koopmans, Rory Johannes Ward A Edmonton Public On October XVIIIth (18th),
Source: The Edmonton Sun, Andrew Hanon.
October XVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Congratulations II little Aydan Tanasichuk who has autism IV being the go to little gaffer IV the sod turning ceremony IV the new Maier Centre IV Autism Services at 17451-103rd Avenue. I fully endorse the Children's Autism Society & its directors Terri Duncan, Trent Androshuk & the rest of the team in their efforts II get the ball successfully rolling on this matter. As a person with high functioning autism, or aspberger's syndrome & Ward A Public School Trustee Candidate, I will fight hard if successfully elected for the full 1,096 consecutive days in office term to get increased funding IV kids with this disorder. Its a personal fight IV me & all of those afflicted.
Vote Koopmans, Rory Johannes Ward A Edmonton Public On October XVIIIth (18th),
Source: The Edmonton Sun, Andrew Hanon.
II Paws Up On October XVIIIth (18th) For Ward A Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate Rory Johannes Koopmans
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
Calder (Kensington) Public Library Terminal #XII
Edmonton, Alberta
October XVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
As I have said beIV in several entries & with the introduction of my Official Campaign Mascot (TM) James Redwing Cat Koopmans, we need II teach kids II be absolutely respectful of all creatures now, so that they will not abuse them in the future. This poor dog named Abby should really be put down II relieve her of her stress. But here she is, hatchet mark chopped inII her face & she is still fighting through the pain. What a truly bang up job she is doing by fighting II stay alive & the Fort McMurray SPCA deserves plaudits IV giving her the best in around the clock care & surgeries II repair the damage & relieve pressure on her wounds.
Students need to be taught now that if you love & respect an animal, it will love & respect you back. Never harm them, never abuse them. They do nothing but provide love, affection, & loyalty to us. They keep us happy when we are down, the least Alberta students & all animal owners can do is reciprocate in kind.
"My Dad Is Terrific Vote For Him October XVIIIth (18th) For Ward A Public Trustee",
Source: James Redwing Cat Koopmans, Official Campaign Mascot (TM) IV The "Campaign II Elect Rory Johannes Koopmans Ward A Edmonton Public School Board Trustee" & The Edmonton Sun, Jeff Cummings.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
Calder (Kensington) Public Library Terminal #XII
Edmonton, Alberta
October XVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
As I have said beIV in several entries & with the introduction of my Official Campaign Mascot (TM) James Redwing Cat Koopmans, we need II teach kids II be absolutely respectful of all creatures now, so that they will not abuse them in the future. This poor dog named Abby should really be put down II relieve her of her stress. But here she is, hatchet mark chopped inII her face & she is still fighting through the pain. What a truly bang up job she is doing by fighting II stay alive & the Fort McMurray SPCA deserves plaudits IV giving her the best in around the clock care & surgeries II repair the damage & relieve pressure on her wounds.
Students need to be taught now that if you love & respect an animal, it will love & respect you back. Never harm them, never abuse them. They do nothing but provide love, affection, & loyalty to us. They keep us happy when we are down, the least Alberta students & all animal owners can do is reciprocate in kind.
"My Dad Is Terrific Vote For Him October XVIIIth (18th) For Ward A Public Trustee",
Source: James Redwing Cat Koopmans, Official Campaign Mascot (TM) IV The "Campaign II Elect Rory Johannes Koopmans Ward A Edmonton Public School Board Trustee" & The Edmonton Sun, Jeff Cummings.
The Concorde No Longer Flies From New York II Paris Or Back
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
Calder (Kensington) Public Library Terminal #XII
Edmonton, Alberta
October XVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
As evidenced by the great respect shown by Mayor Stephen Mandel & some of his Mayoral Candidate competitors, students & their family's should definitely check out the Open House at Concordia University College Of Alberta. Its being held tomorrow, that is Saturday, October XVIth from 10am-2pm. Steve & some of his competitors have made several appearances there in an effort II woo the all important youth vote. Concordia is an excellent facility, I have been thinking of taking some High School & College Extension Outreach courses there. So I have had a tour of the facility & talked to some of the staff by email. I think it is a great learning centre in the city & can provide any future students with a great academic perspective.
Viva Concordia,
Source: Www.Concordia.Ab.Ca.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
Calder (Kensington) Public Library Terminal #XII
Edmonton, Alberta
October XVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
As evidenced by the great respect shown by Mayor Stephen Mandel & some of his Mayoral Candidate competitors, students & their family's should definitely check out the Open House at Concordia University College Of Alberta. Its being held tomorrow, that is Saturday, October XVIth from 10am-2pm. Steve & some of his competitors have made several appearances there in an effort II woo the all important youth vote. Concordia is an excellent facility, I have been thinking of taking some High School & College Extension Outreach courses there. So I have had a tour of the facility & talked to some of the staff by email. I think it is a great learning centre in the city & can provide any future students with a great academic perspective.
Viva Concordia,
Source: Www.Concordia.Ab.Ca.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Family Positivity
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate, Beverly Crest Public Library Terminal #XXXV, Edmonton, Alberta
October XIVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Candora or Cando for Rundle & Abbotsfield is a program of reading & sharing here at the Beverly Crest Branch EPL. Its interactive & kids focused. I strongly encourage folks to participate in these type of community/library mixed fun & educational activity's IV kids in their local neighborhoods.
Cando Spirit,
Source: Www.Epl.Ca & Www.Candora.Ca.
October XIVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Candora or Cando for Rundle & Abbotsfield is a program of reading & sharing here at the Beverly Crest Branch EPL. Its interactive & kids focused. I strongly encourage folks to participate in these type of community/library mixed fun & educational activity's IV kids in their local neighborhoods.
Cando Spirit,
Source: Www.Epl.Ca & Www.Candora.Ca.
Be A Buddy, Be A Friend
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate, Beverly Crest Public Library Terminal #XXXV, Edmonton, Alberta
October XIVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I strongly encourage folks of all ages II participate in the 6th Annual "Buddy Walk" at William Hawrelak Park II raise awareness of Children with Down Syndrome & other neurological disorders. These fine youngsters are the special needs students of the future. The better we look after them in baby & toddlerhood, the stronger & more able they will at least be able to partially fend IV themselves as they grow inII young adulthood.
The Event Takes Place On November VIIth,
Source: Www.Edss.Ca.
October XIVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I strongly encourage folks of all ages II participate in the 6th Annual "Buddy Walk" at William Hawrelak Park II raise awareness of Children with Down Syndrome & other neurological disorders. These fine youngsters are the special needs students of the future. The better we look after them in baby & toddlerhood, the stronger & more able they will at least be able to partially fend IV themselves as they grow inII young adulthood.
The Event Takes Place On November VIIth,
Source: Www.Edss.Ca.
TECHno Beat
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XIVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Congrats to NAIT & other sponsors of the TEC Venture Prizes. These are a novel idea & the MMX winners Eugene Chen of Firenest Innovations & many others need II be congratulated IV their tenacity in achieving their technological goals!
A Monumental Triumph,
Source: Myself.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XIVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Congrats to NAIT & other sponsors of the TEC Venture Prizes. These are a novel idea & the MMX winners Eugene Chen of Firenest Innovations & many others need II be congratulated IV their tenacity in achieving their technological goals!
A Monumental Triumph,
Source: Myself.

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XIVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I am encouraged by the bravery shown by former National Hockey League (NHL) Star Theoren Fleury. His recalling of sexual abuse crimes by convicted, pardoned, & now wanted ex-Coach Graham James are very compelling. To show that even though he lived through a horror at age XIV (14) & can still come back from it to rise & become a professional hockey player is amazing. Lets find Graham James, try him, & lock him up as a "dangerous offender." Then they can throw away the key.
Theo You Are Awsome,
Source: The Winnipeg Free Press & Postmedia News, Gabrielle Giroday & Bruce Arthur.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Hall Town
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
Sprucewood Public Library Terminal #XII
Edmonton, Alberta
October XIIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister Of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Students with relatives with Type II Diabetes or with Type II Diabetes themselves should constantly be going II Diabetes Clinics to ensure their own safety &/or those of their family members. Everyone can always use a refresher course & I suggest folks go to the Clinic in the Cafe Scientifique at The Royal Alberta Museum on October XXVIth (26th) from 6:30-9pm. Bring your testing kits & make sure that all members of your family, including students are safe! Light refreshments will be served.
12845-102nd Avenue,
Source: Www.Cadth.Ca/Cafe.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
Sprucewood Public Library Terminal #XII
Edmonton, Alberta
October XIIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister Of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Students with relatives with Type II Diabetes or with Type II Diabetes themselves should constantly be going II Diabetes Clinics to ensure their own safety &/or those of their family members. Everyone can always use a refresher course & I suggest folks go to the Clinic in the Cafe Scientifique at The Royal Alberta Museum on October XXVIth (26th) from 6:30-9pm. Bring your testing kits & make sure that all members of your family, including students are safe! Light refreshments will be served.
12845-102nd Avenue,
Source: Www.Cadth.Ca/Cafe.
Carcinoma How Sad
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate, Sprucewood Public Library Terminal #XII, Edmonton, Alberta
October XIIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister Of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Bully II the II kids of the late Todd Rutherford, a basketball phenomena who played at Jasper Place High School in the MCMLXX's (1970's.) Todd unfortunately died of lymphoma last year. So his kids, Lauren & Evan have organized IV the IInd year in a row a tournament in his memory. He also coached basketball at JP & was a fanatic a bout the game & making sport fun IV the students he taught. Sadly Todd was only 52 when he died. The game is this Saturday at Jasper Place High School, a fitting tribute. I encourage folks II make donations II the Todd Rutherford Memorial Foundation, this is a fund which helps underprivileged kids participate in sport.
Their Father Would Be So Proud,
Source: The Edmonton Examiner, Brian Swane.
October XIIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister Of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Bully II the II kids of the late Todd Rutherford, a basketball phenomena who played at Jasper Place High School in the MCMLXX's (1970's.) Todd unfortunately died of lymphoma last year. So his kids, Lauren & Evan have organized IV the IInd year in a row a tournament in his memory. He also coached basketball at JP & was a fanatic a bout the game & making sport fun IV the students he taught. Sadly Todd was only 52 when he died. The game is this Saturday at Jasper Place High School, a fitting tribute. I encourage folks II make donations II the Todd Rutherford Memorial Foundation, this is a fund which helps underprivileged kids participate in sport.
Their Father Would Be So Proud,
Source: The Edmonton Examiner, Brian Swane.
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate, Sprucewood Public Library Terminal #XII, Edmonton, Alberta
October XIIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Congratulations are II be offered II you on the increase in Achievement Level scores across the Province. However, I am absolutely flabbergasted at the low High School Completion rates, with particular note of the sickly % completed by the aboriginal population of this province. My suggestion David would be that you appoint an Aboriginal Czar or Elder who would have complete control over dealing with the specific context of aboriginal afffairs issues in relation to education. This person would work in tandem with the Special Trustee in Northland District #LXI (#61) & in other troubled areas. Another idea might be to appoint specific Trustees of the new Boards to handle aboriginal files in tandem with you & your fine Department of Education staffers.
We Make Geek Chic,
Source: The Government Of Alberta, The Ministry Of Education.
October XIIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Congratulations are II be offered II you on the increase in Achievement Level scores across the Province. However, I am absolutely flabbergasted at the low High School Completion rates, with particular note of the sickly % completed by the aboriginal population of this province. My suggestion David would be that you appoint an Aboriginal Czar or Elder who would have complete control over dealing with the specific context of aboriginal afffairs issues in relation to education. This person would work in tandem with the Special Trustee in Northland District #LXI (#61) & in other troubled areas. Another idea might be to appoint specific Trustees of the new Boards to handle aboriginal files in tandem with you & your fine Department of Education staffers.
We Make Geek Chic,
Source: The Government Of Alberta, The Ministry Of Education.
I Would Presume The Next Chair Or Vice-Chair Of The Edmonton Public School Board

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XIIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
A very good piece by Trustee-Elect David Colburn in place IIday in the Edmonton Journal Opinion Page. I strongly agree with the Trustee-Elect's position that there needs II be more cooperation between School Boards & City Councils, as well as yourself & other Provincial MLA's. The fact that more working meetings are being set up after the October XVIIIth writ is superb. Working as a team to ensure standards are not just kept up, but actually improved IV as many kids as possible is quite noble. I would argue however that Trustees should get at least 50% of their taxing power back. In this way, they & the Province will be able to get things done on the ground faster in terms of getting monies to the school facilities most in need & not have to deal with so much red tape.
Source: The Edmonton Journal, Trustee-Elect David Colburn.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Ralph Klein Cheated On An Essay To Get His Athabasca University Degree And He Was A Sitting Premier
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
Beverly Crest Public Library Terminal #XLII
Edmonton, Alberta
October XIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I certainly applaud the initiative of the University Of Alberta in wanting II award Certificates in between Degree programs IV those students who cannot afford the standard Degree in IV years, or at all. This will still give students some confidence if they have II unexpectedly leave the job market & garner an immediate income. Hey if NAIT & Grant MacEwan can offer Certificates & Degrees. Then logically, it only makes sense IV the University Of Alberta II be able II do the reverse.
A Unique Departure From Standardization,
Source: The Edmonton Journal, Andrea Sands & Sarah O'Donnell.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
Beverly Crest Public Library Terminal #XLII
Edmonton, Alberta
October XIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I certainly applaud the initiative of the University Of Alberta in wanting II award Certificates in between Degree programs IV those students who cannot afford the standard Degree in IV years, or at all. This will still give students some confidence if they have II unexpectedly leave the job market & garner an immediate income. Hey if NAIT & Grant MacEwan can offer Certificates & Degrees. Then logically, it only makes sense IV the University Of Alberta II be able II do the reverse.
A Unique Departure From Standardization,
Source: The Edmonton Journal, Andrea Sands & Sarah O'Donnell.
San Diego Chargers
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
Beverly Crest Public Library Terminal #XLII
Edmonton, Alberta
October XIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Congratulations to San Diego County Police IV captured a suspectb who injured II innocent schoolchildren. An innocentpair, VI & VII years old shot up in random crossfire by a clearly deranged man. He was firing randomly into several schoolyards & was taken down successfully with a fully loaded .357 Magnum on him. Truly a modern day nightmare. Thnkfully the two students were assessed and had their needs quickly attended II at a local hospital & are recovering. I pray their fellow students at Carlsbad Primary School help them transition in smiooothly from their shocking medical disability's.
Source: Agence France-Presse, Los Angeles, California.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
Beverly Crest Public Library Terminal #XLII
Edmonton, Alberta
October XIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Congratulations to San Diego County Police IV captured a suspectb who injured II innocent schoolchildren. An innocentpair, VI & VII years old shot up in random crossfire by a clearly deranged man. He was firing randomly into several schoolyards & was taken down successfully with a fully loaded .357 Magnum on him. Truly a modern day nightmare. Thnkfully the two students were assessed and had their needs quickly attended II at a local hospital & are recovering. I pray their fellow students at Carlsbad Primary School help them transition in smiooothly from their shocking medical disability's.
Source: Agence France-Presse, Los Angeles, California.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Light There Be Let
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
There certainly needs II be an increase in more energy efficient bulbs in older schools particularly. From what I can see in some of the older school & closed buildings we as a school system are paying higher electrical costs IV inefficient lighting. If a school is closed, then put cost saving bulbs in it or better yet, remove all light bulbs & shut off the breakers so there is no chance of power being wasted!
Source: Www.Epsb.Ca.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
There certainly needs II be an increase in more energy efficient bulbs in older schools particularly. From what I can see in some of the older school & closed buildings we as a school system are paying higher electrical costs IV inefficient lighting. If a school is closed, then put cost saving bulbs in it or better yet, remove all light bulbs & shut off the breakers so there is no chance of power being wasted!
Source: Www.Epsb.Ca.
Cerebral Palsy Hell No It Won't Win
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Here is a young lady who is an inspired success story. Miriam Spies felt excluded because of her disability. She has cerebral palsy & is wheelchair bound. Well she picked herself up & fought for the rights of the disabled in her church. Now she is like a rockstar at St. Paul's United in Dundas, Ontario. So at X years old she felt excluded, now at XXII she is loved & admired by all by making her church more accessible & disabled friendly. She's now a college student & fights on harder every day II make sure every1 has equal rights!
United We Sit,
Source: The United Church Observer.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Here is a young lady who is an inspired success story. Miriam Spies felt excluded because of her disability. She has cerebral palsy & is wheelchair bound. Well she picked herself up & fought for the rights of the disabled in her church. Now she is like a rockstar at St. Paul's United in Dundas, Ontario. So at X years old she felt excluded, now at XXII she is loved & admired by all by making her church more accessible & disabled friendly. She's now a college student & fights on harder every day II make sure every1 has equal rights!
United We Sit,
Source: The United Church Observer.
Eminem A Quality Guy

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate, #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October XIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Take a look at the piece from Www.CbsNews.Com/60Minutes. CNN's Anderson Cooper interviews rap artiste Eminem or Marshall Mathers The IIIrd about all of the highs & lows of his career. This fine young man was raised by a single mother & had II switch schools every three months all of his life. This was because of constant bullying & degradation in old school burned out & rotting Detroit City Proper.
Eminem picked himself off the mat countless times II become the world's greatest & biggest selling rap artiste. An amazing accomplishment IV a white man in a music for that is almost all black focused. He never got past Grade IX, failing it IIx beIV passing it. Here he is, self taught, self made & very rich. He has daughters & family who love him.
He has never forgotten his roots & still lives in Detroit where he constantly promotes the city that both made & destroyed him. He has been drug & alcohol free IV III years now.
I Can't Help But Want II Cheer Him On,
Source: Www.CbsNews.Com/60Minutes, a Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) News Magazine & Cable News Network's (CNN's) Anderson Cooper on Special Assignment IV "60 Minutes."
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Kids Helping Kids
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate, #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October Xth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
The childen of Haiti were devastated in their Earthquake. So as a result, the Sunday School kids of Fort Saskatchewan's First United Church put together a "Hands Of Love" quilt with each square being custom made & then sewn inII a quilt which was donated (along with acompanying funds) to the children & Methodist Church of Duplan, Haiti by the United Church Moderator no less. What an awesome group of kids!
Lets Pause & Gve Thanks IV These Kids,
Source: The United Church Observer, Reverend Danielle Ayana James.
October Xth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
The childen of Haiti were devastated in their Earthquake. So as a result, the Sunday School kids of Fort Saskatchewan's First United Church put together a "Hands Of Love" quilt with each square being custom made & then sewn inII a quilt which was donated (along with acompanying funds) to the children & Methodist Church of Duplan, Haiti by the United Church Moderator no less. What an awesome group of kids!
Lets Pause & Gve Thanks IV These Kids,
Source: The United Church Observer, Reverend Danielle Ayana James.
Give A Little And Prevent Hypothermia

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October Xth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Although not a school in the Ward A district where I am running, I highly suggest that it would be smart for folks to donate winter clothing goods to the Westglen Elementary School Winter Drive from Oct. XVIIIth-XXIst. There are many poor folks out there who need our help. Kids shouldn't freeze when taking place in oudoor winter activity's.
Graciously & Happy Thanksgiving,
Source: Www.Westglen.Epsb.Ca.
Life Not Death
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate, #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October Xth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Plase support "Youth IV Peace." They travel around meeting folks trying to get youth engaged in developing nations interested in peace & preventing more chaos & destruction.Ie: Drugs, murders, sexual assaults, etc. They are run through The United Church Of Canada, of which I am a proud member here in Edmonton. Support them through your local Mission & Service Funds.
Source: Trinity United Church, 8810 Meadowlark Road & Matthew.Heesing@Hotmail.Ca.
October Xth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Plase support "Youth IV Peace." They travel around meeting folks trying to get youth engaged in developing nations interested in peace & preventing more chaos & destruction.Ie: Drugs, murders, sexual assaults, etc. They are run through The United Church Of Canada, of which I am a proud member here in Edmonton. Support them through your local Mission & Service Funds.
Source: Trinity United Church, 8810 Meadowlark Road & Matthew.Heesing@Hotmail.Ca.
Older And Wiser

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October Xth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Don Fleming, Edmonton Public School Board Chairman has it right in today's Letters Page. Parents asked the School Administration to provide free & unfettered access to all schools. Now with enrolments naturally declining in some older areas, the School Board is getting the blame IV acceding to a demand by parents. Its just like the School Closure issue, Trustees are damned if they do & damned if they do not. We need more consolidation & joint use of facility's with other systems II save money.
Exploring New Options,
Source: The Edmonton Journal, Barb Williamson.
The Great Bobby Orr

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
#203, 8912-156 StreetEdmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October Xth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Now I can see why he is CBC's "Hockey Night In Canada's" Donald S. Cherry's favorite player of all time. Here is Hockey Hall Of Famer Bobby Orr, bad knees & all, participating in a hockey practice with kids to make sure they are safe while playing. Promoting, fun & sportsmanship. Truly an amazing representative for sport in Canada. Bobby Orr putting kids first!
Source: The Montreal Gazette, Dario Alaya.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October IXth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I vociferously disagree with letter writer Daniel Mallett in today's newspaper. He endorses one publicly run secular school system. Having experienced nothing but great service by St.Gabriel Catholic Cyber School in St. Albert (which is actually the Public system there), I can say I have nothing but respect IV the Catholic system.
Yes I do favour a consolidation of joint facility's between Catholic & Public to bump up capacity's & save on administrative & utility costs. However I strongly favour the Catholic system staying independent. Edmonton Catholic Administration is fantastic beyond words! As are the kids in their schools!
Hail Mary,
Source: The Edmonton Journal, Barb Williamson.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October IXth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I vociferously disagree with letter writer Daniel Mallett in today's newspaper. He endorses one publicly run secular school system. Having experienced nothing but great service by St.Gabriel Catholic Cyber School in St. Albert (which is actually the Public system there), I can say I have nothing but respect IV the Catholic system.
Yes I do favour a consolidation of joint facility's between Catholic & Public to bump up capacity's & save on administrative & utility costs. However I strongly favour the Catholic system staying independent. Edmonton Catholic Administration is fantastic beyond words! As are the kids in their schools!
Hail Mary,
Source: The Edmonton Journal, Barb Williamson.
I'd Like To Praise Steve Harper, MP
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October IXth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I'd like II praise the Right Honourable Gentleman IV Calgary-Southwest, Prime Minister Steve Harper, PC, MP. Thank you very much to Steve IV coming out & reading II kids during reading week at the Honourable Gentleman IV Edmonton-St. Albert's districted school, Kensington. I am sure that Brent Rathgeber, QC, MP appreciated it. Thanks as well to Steve IV making Batool Saleh, 6.5 years old feel important by sitting next to him while he read his book. Very positive.
Charmed I Am Sure,
Source: The Edmonton Journal, Karen Kleiss.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October IXth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I'd like II praise the Right Honourable Gentleman IV Calgary-Southwest, Prime Minister Steve Harper, PC, MP. Thank you very much to Steve IV coming out & reading II kids during reading week at the Honourable Gentleman IV Edmonton-St. Albert's districted school, Kensington. I am sure that Brent Rathgeber, QC, MP appreciated it. Thanks as well to Steve IV making Batool Saleh, 6.5 years old feel important by sitting next to him while he read his book. Very positive.
Charmed I Am Sure,
Source: The Edmonton Journal, Karen Kleiss.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Issue At
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October VIIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Sunday School attendance in The United Church Of Canada is way down, as it is in many other churches. While its up in Islamic Mosques. IV the Lord II have a chance as a positive influence IV future Christian youth, we need to boost those numbers. Its not about pitting one religion against another. It about promoting peace & tranquility & healthy dialogue betwen future generations of youths of all faiths.
Amen & Praise Allah Intertwined,
Source: Rev. Connie denBok, Minister, Alderwood United Church, Toronto,Ontario.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October VIIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Sunday School attendance in The United Church Of Canada is way down, as it is in many other churches. While its up in Islamic Mosques. IV the Lord II have a chance as a positive influence IV future Christian youth, we need to boost those numbers. Its not about pitting one religion against another. It about promoting peace & tranquility & healthy dialogue betwen future generations of youths of all faiths.
Amen & Praise Allah Intertwined,
Source: Rev. Connie denBok, Minister, Alderwood United Church, Toronto,Ontario.
Gotta Have Faith, Uh Faith, Oh Gotta Have Faith.
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate, #203, 8912- 156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October VIIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I encourage students of all ages to take Bible Land Tours. In 1983 my mother June (a retired teacher) took a tour of Israel & learned a lot about many great religions, including Judaism, Islam, & Christianity.
A Devoted Experience,
Source: June C. Koopmans, B. Ed. & Www.Rostad.Com.
October VIIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I encourage students of all ages to take Bible Land Tours. In 1983 my mother June (a retired teacher) took a tour of Israel & learned a lot about many great religions, including Judaism, Islam, & Christianity.
A Devoted Experience,
Source: June C. Koopmans, B. Ed. & Www.Rostad.Com.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Total Transparency
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate, #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October VIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
It seems to me that arrogance and complaints in this election have gone far enough. I have had to complain to Twitter about my fellow Ward A opponent, Mrs. Cheryl Johner being trashed IV putting signs outside the Ward A Sector Grid boundaries in Ward B, towards Londonderry past the eastern border of 82nd Street. It is my belief that she is trying to say that she will be a candidate serving the needs of all of the children of Edmonton, & not just her chosen electors in Ward A & their offspring.
I suggest David that since other candidates are putting up signs on the borders & just outside of their Wards/Ridings that its not a big deal. For Mrs. Johner to be attacked on this is quite frankly outrageous & unfathomable. I encourage her to place even more signs just outside her Ward to mamimize her coverage. As I have no signs, I have no bias in this matter whatsoever.
Signing Off,
Source: Myself.
October VIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
It seems to me that arrogance and complaints in this election have gone far enough. I have had to complain to Twitter about my fellow Ward A opponent, Mrs. Cheryl Johner being trashed IV putting signs outside the Ward A Sector Grid boundaries in Ward B, towards Londonderry past the eastern border of 82nd Street. It is my belief that she is trying to say that she will be a candidate serving the needs of all of the children of Edmonton, & not just her chosen electors in Ward A & their offspring.
I suggest David that since other candidates are putting up signs on the borders & just outside of their Wards/Ridings that its not a big deal. For Mrs. Johner to be attacked on this is quite frankly outrageous & unfathomable. I encourage her to place even more signs just outside her Ward to mamimize her coverage. As I have no signs, I have no bias in this matter whatsoever.
Signing Off,
Source: Myself.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October VIIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
"What attracted me to the U Of A is the people. It has stellar faculty doing amazing work, great facilities and many resouces."
Sounds like a great reference for the University Of Alberta to me David. Thats extremely awesome.
Source: Canada Excellence Research Chair in Oil Sands Molecular Engineering, The University Of Alberta, Thomas Thundat, University Of Tennessee in Knoxville.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
David Staples Is A Literary Marvel
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate, Woodcroft (Westmount) Public Library Terminal #VI, Edmonton, Alberta
October VIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Check out the David Staples column in today's Edmonton Journal. Other candidates & outgoing Trustee Sue Huff are mentioned as being favour of community schools & bonding with your neighbours. I spoke up on this during the closure process in emails & on this blog. I also talked openly about Public/Catholic, Public/Private, Public/Muslim Schools for example merging in order II save on administration costs. Then the buildings would be back up II capacity & there would be less schools needed II be closed after all. I noticed Mr. Staples column is great, but I mentioned this idea in blog entries way beIV any other of the named candidates & yet I get no mention in the Edmonton Journal story.
Seems A Tad Odd When You See This Blog Started What November XIth, MMIX,
Source: The Edmonton Journal, David Staples.
October VIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Check out the David Staples column in today's Edmonton Journal. Other candidates & outgoing Trustee Sue Huff are mentioned as being favour of community schools & bonding with your neighbours. I spoke up on this during the closure process in emails & on this blog. I also talked openly about Public/Catholic, Public/Private, Public/Muslim Schools for example merging in order II save on administration costs. Then the buildings would be back up II capacity & there would be less schools needed II be closed after all. I noticed Mr. Staples column is great, but I mentioned this idea in blog entries way beIV any other of the named candidates & yet I get no mention in the Edmonton Journal story.
Seems A Tad Odd When You See This Blog Started What November XIth, MMIX,
Source: The Edmonton Journal, David Staples.
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate, Woodcroft (Westmount) Public Library Terminal #VI, Edmonton, Alberta
October VIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
The Edmonton Public Library or EPL system is awesome. I love their "I Love EPL" & "Demand The Vote" signs on corruplast that are stuck in the ground around all branch locations. What a great way to get folks vote in the October XVIIIth Civic Election Campaign! Basically EPL is running literally a ground game of its own or a simultaneous/seperate campaign promoting democracy. Not favouring one candidate or another, but just urging clients & students of EPL of all ages II get our there, make an informed choice & vote.
Now This Is Truly A Concept I Can Respect,
Source: Www.Epl.Ca.
October VIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
The Edmonton Public Library or EPL system is awesome. I love their "I Love EPL" & "Demand The Vote" signs on corruplast that are stuck in the ground around all branch locations. What a great way to get folks vote in the October XVIIIth Civic Election Campaign! Basically EPL is running literally a ground game of its own or a simultaneous/seperate campaign promoting democracy. Not favouring one candidate or another, but just urging clients & students of EPL of all ages II get our there, make an informed choice & vote.
Now This Is Truly A Concept I Can Respect,
Source: Www.Epl.Ca.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Setting The Standard
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate, #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October Vth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Twist A With,
Source: Patricia Ellingson, Creative Head, Children's Media, TVO.
October Vth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
"With online media, provide a rich stimulating environment IV kids wherever they are. Whether that be on television or online."
Twist A With,
Source: Patricia Ellingson, Creative Head, Children's Media, TVO.
The Space Needle Homelessness Troubles
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate, #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October Vth, MMX
Hon. David G Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
The homelessness levels in the United States IV students are appalling David, sickening really. In MMIX, 1.3 million kids experienced homelessness in the greatest free market on Earth. In Seattle, Washington, First Place School students are getting sicker and sicker. They are constantly being beaten & malnourished. Then they never want to say anything as they are afraid to lose their "sense of family" even an "abusive family."
A Crying Shame,
Source: Public Broadcasting System Television's "The PBS Newshour With Jim Lehrer." Special Correspondent, Lee Hochberg.
Monday, October 4, 2010
With Extreme Pleasure
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate, #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October IVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
As a proud Northern Alberta Institute Of Technology (NAIT) Pre-Technology & Pre-Business student, I recommend highly that prospective students check out the Autumn Open House on October XVth & XVIth. NAIT was and is a great school to me & Sam Shaw is a great President. Matter of factly it was my honour & priviledge to go there!
Source: Www.Nait.Ca
October IVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
As a proud Northern Alberta Institute Of Technology (NAIT) Pre-Technology & Pre-Business student, I recommend highly that prospective students check out the Autumn Open House on October XVth & XVIth. NAIT was and is a great school to me & Sam Shaw is a great President. Matter of factly it was my honour & priviledge to go there!
Source: Www.Nait.Ca
Struggles Are Over
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate, #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October IVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Congrats to McNally High School IV getting a grant IV its technology lab. The new lab from what I can see in the paper looks great. Future Shop Corporation giving away $50,000.00 apiece II V High Schools across Canada II improve their tech. facilities is awesome. McNally must have put a great presentation on II snag one of those grants. Their computer teaching staff is obviously just awesome!
Tech Wonderment,
Source: The Edmonton Examiner, Kevin Maimann.
October IVth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Congrats to McNally High School IV getting a grant IV its technology lab. The new lab from what I can see in the paper looks great. Future Shop Corporation giving away $50,000.00 apiece II V High Schools across Canada II improve their tech. facilities is awesome. McNally must have put a great presentation on II snag one of those grants. Their computer teaching staff is obviously just awesome!
Tech Wonderment,
Source: The Edmonton Examiner, Kevin Maimann.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Dog Handling IV Kids
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October IIIrd, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) News Correspondent Lesley Stahl brought her lovely doggie named Parker to a dog handler in California & this segment was aired on today's "CBS News Sunday Morning With Charles Osgoode." This handler is so adept at working with canines that he teaches proper handling techniques to 100-150 dog handling classes of students America wide each year.
Cesar Millian is so adept at teaching students doggie responsibility, he is called the "dog whisperer." He respects the animals & they in turn learn to respect him & also his human students. A Mexican immigrant, Cesar is truly a wooftastic success story.
Bow Wow For Puppies & Students,
Source: "CBS News Sunday Morning With Charles Osgoode." Correspondent Lesley Stahl, On Special Assignment From "60 Minutes, A CBS News Magazine."
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October IIIrd, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) News Correspondent Lesley Stahl brought her lovely doggie named Parker to a dog handler in California & this segment was aired on today's "CBS News Sunday Morning With Charles Osgoode." This handler is so adept at working with canines that he teaches proper handling techniques to 100-150 dog handling classes of students America wide each year.
Cesar Millian is so adept at teaching students doggie responsibility, he is called the "dog whisperer." He respects the animals & they in turn learn to respect him & also his human students. A Mexican immigrant, Cesar is truly a wooftastic success story.
Bow Wow For Puppies & Students,
Source: "CBS News Sunday Morning With Charles Osgoode." Correspondent Lesley Stahl, On Special Assignment From "60 Minutes, A CBS News Magazine."
Queen Elizabeth Student Executive Disengaged
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October IIIrd, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Why is there no currently organized Student Council or at least an Acting Student Arbitor until a new Council is elected & sworn in at Queen Elizabeth High School in Ward A? Sort of based on the Special Sole Trustee position you created to clean up the mess in the Northland District #XLI (#61). This seems like a sickening lack of transparency especially when you consider all of the millions that were poured in to save it!
Its A Funny Business,
Source: Www.Epsb.Ca.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
October IIIrd, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Why is there no currently organized Student Council or at least an Acting Student Arbitor until a new Council is elected & sworn in at Queen Elizabeth High School in Ward A? Sort of based on the Special Sole Trustee position you created to clean up the mess in the Northland District #XLI (#61). This seems like a sickening lack of transparency especially when you consider all of the millions that were poured in to save it!
Its A Funny Business,
Source: Www.Epsb.Ca.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Don't Burn Ballots, Count Them In A Non-Floridian Style
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate, Highlands Public Library Terminal #XII, Edmonton, Alberta
October IInd, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I fully endorse the EPL's "Be Heard. Vote!" campaign. If you do not vote, then in my opinion as a person who has the guts & integrity II actually run IV office, you do not have the right to complain. If you hate all the choices given II you, then still vote by spoiling your ballot. At least then you can tell all of the candidates running why you thought they sucked! Students, when you hit XVIII, vote. Its your right! Take advantage of it in order II get the best government possible at all III levels!
Vote Koopmans, Rory Johannes Ward A, Edmonton Public On October XVIIIth,
Source: Www.Epl.Ca.
October IInd, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I fully endorse the EPL's "Be Heard. Vote!" campaign. If you do not vote, then in my opinion as a person who has the guts & integrity II actually run IV office, you do not have the right to complain. If you hate all the choices given II you, then still vote by spoiling your ballot. At least then you can tell all of the candidates running why you thought they sucked! Students, when you hit XVIII, vote. Its your right! Take advantage of it in order II get the best government possible at all III levels!
Vote Koopmans, Rory Johannes Ward A, Edmonton Public On October XVIIIth,
Source: Www.Epl.Ca.
From Garden II Kitchen
Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
Highlands Public Library Terminal #XII
Edmonton, Alberta
October IInd, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Here at Highlands Branch EPL, & other EPL branches, I cannot get over the fine selection of books on gardening & cooking. The tips include ways to ensure kids & their family's are getting a healthy caloric intake. As well as tips on proper nutrition. n terms of course of how II grow the food & the clearly better option of growing a larger slice of organic fruits &/or vegetables in your garden. Just as (for example) First Lady Of The United States, Michelle Obama is doing with a plot of land at The White House.
A Nutritional Adventure,
Source: Www.Epl.Ca.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
Highlands Public Library Terminal #XII
Edmonton, Alberta
October IInd, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Here at Highlands Branch EPL, & other EPL branches, I cannot get over the fine selection of books on gardening & cooking. The tips include ways to ensure kids & their family's are getting a healthy caloric intake. As well as tips on proper nutrition. n terms of course of how II grow the food & the clearly better option of growing a larger slice of organic fruits &/or vegetables in your garden. Just as (for example) First Lady Of The United States, Michelle Obama is doing with a plot of land at The White House.
A Nutritional Adventure,
Source: Www.Epl.Ca.
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