Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
I am currently watching Academy Award (TM) Winner Jane Wyman (ex-wife of the late Former President Ronald Reagan) in her Oscar (TM) winning performance as a deaf mute in the period drama "Johnny Belinda." This film was set in rural northern Nova Scotia & has quite a nice rural Canadian feel to it. It was released in MCMXLVIII (1948) but it is still relevant today. It shows that just because a person is deaf &/or dumb, they are not any less intelligent than fulling hearing abled folks. I have an uncle who is quite deaf, as his his good wife, but he is quite a capable man & holds down a full time job.
This movie applies to modern times because it promotes the good works of learning facility's such as The Alberta School IV The Deaf. Many hearing impaired students & their family members have taken sign language & literacy courses there. This place is quite a godsend as it helps deaf & learning disabled folks gain enough written & sign skills to be able to fully function there. It also highlights just how awful rape & sexual abuse is. Especially when the victim is a woman who cannot speak &/or even cry out IV help.
We must help these students who may not be able to hear physically. If they are nurtured & respected in society, they'll be able to contribute greatly in their own quiet way.
Silent Night,
Source: Www.Tcm.Com.