Saturday, January 2, 2010

Year I, Episode I (1)

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2

January IInd, MMX

Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud

Dear David:

It seems to me that in order to get the safest & most nutricious products to schools quicker We need to focus on more organic choices. Not just from organic stores, but also the buying of vegetables and fruit staples directly from farmer's markets and from farmers themselves. This would cut out the middle man, making the farmer a bigger profit & allowing the schools to save money as they would be buying in bulk orders. Thus ensuring less food wastage overall & that children are growing stronger, not just mentally, but physically as well.

There should also be an insistence on behalf of the trustees, school boards, adminstrators, parents, and the students themselves that organic milk and other dairy products need to be made at a greater availability. Displacing pop and high sugar juices as much as possible. Breads & other wheat and gluten products should have soy free factors & specialty breads for children with diseases such as celiacs. Ethnic, fresh baked daily breads need to be brought in as well. This will give kids a chance to try say unleavened Muslim breads like Lebanese Bread or Kosher bread from the Jewish faith.

Food items such as high quality Kosher pickles and meats from Amish farms should also be considered. The more diverse and fresh the selections, the better off & more respectful kids will be as they grow into young adults!

Happy New Year To You & Janet,


Source: "The Office Of The Governor Of California": Arnold Schwarznegger, Republican.

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