Monday, January 18, 2010

Cross Pattern Cross Labour Cross Cooperation

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2

January XVIIIth, MMX

Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud

Dear David:

I seem to remember a situation several years ago in which a Public and a Catholic School jointly built one facility here in Edmonton. It was I believe experimental. The gymnasium and playground areas were shared by students, teachers and adminstrators from both sides, but there were seperate entrances and classrooms for each set of students. Presumably, they got a good contracted rate on the building and each ponied up 50% of the cost, minus the differential put up by the Province. I would assume they also shared the cost of the janitors and maintenance crews.

What I think should happen David is that the Public & Catholic School Trustees should jointly bid on contracts for any future common facilities. They should also jointly bid on janitorial & maintenance crews for their current facilities. If they come up with joint bids, they will presumably get a bulk, discounted rate on the overall labour costs. Thus saving the Province of Alberta Education Department money & causing there to be a decrease in the need for overall need for cutbacks.

Again this joint bidding process would cut each maintenance contract costs in half for each Board & should be made Provincewide with individually negotiated contracts. Schools need maintenance and children need the safest of environments to learn in. Plus the contractors are happy for the steady work, with the only difference being they get two cheques instead of one. So really in the end here, everyone wins. Costs are lessened and more maintenance crews are working fulltime instead of parttime, increasing taxes overall for Ted & the Finance Ministry, which can in turn be used to fund other educational needs/emergencies.



Source: The Ministry Of Finance, Government Of Alberta.

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