Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dollars From Consumption IV The Kids

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2

March XXVth, MMX

Hon. David. G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud

Dear David:

I know higher taxes aren't always a vote getter, especially in these times of austerity. But why not put a 1 or 2% consumption tax on booze and smokes for strictly educational purposes. Then give total control of these funds (or at least 51% majority control) to the Trustees. Folks who smoke and guzzle apperitifs I am sure will not mind, especially as the funds would be 100% allotted to the kids, not administration, not teachers, no the kids themselves.

Teaching kids about the evils of consumption but not judging those who consume is a fair thing to do. I mean why not, horse racing is a money pit and yet Ed and you boys see fit to piss hundreds of millions a year subsidizing it. In effect endorsing legalized gambling. So why not raise taxes on bad habits IV school kids. This would obviously help budgets considerably, and since schools also lose money, you are assisting in developing young minds, which has to be normal than legalized graft to the tracks.

Plus they'll always be smokers and/or drinkers. And they'll always be new students each year. So the funds would be a steady stream of revenue and thereIV would never run out. Smoking and drinking lead to further health deficit situations later on, so why not make a little extra payback from the consumers on the education side while they are still younger and are of a salary earning/taxpaying ability?



Source: Action On Smoking & Health.

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