Saturday, July 9, 2011


Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#23, 9731-174 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5T 6G4

June IXth, MMXI

Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud

Dear David:

During this Calgary Stampede Week, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of animal safety. Students stuying to be veterinarians & vet aides know how important it is that the animals are kept quite safe as the Stampede events & other rodeo events can be quite stressful. I love animals & as people know, I am a proud father of my feline son James Redwing Cat. Now Ol' J.R. will tell you that he doesn't want II see the horses get hurt or killed & that hebelieves more safety initiatives should be taking place. J.R. in particular feels that the chuckwagon races need to be less of a pressure cooker IV the horses so that they can gallop at a more relaxed pace, with more space between wagons as they round turns so that there is less likely to be injuries &/or deaths to these equine delights.

Horses & other animals have a soul to, they should allow students & young people interested in animals to make suggestions that will improve the quality of life IV these fine athletic creatures who provide so much entertainment & happiness. What's tragic is there are horse deaths every year at the Stampede, there just doesn't need II be.



Source: Myself.

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