Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I Hate Guns

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, T5R 5Z2

February XXVIIIth, MMXII

Hon. Thomas Lukaszuk, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Castledowns

Dear Thomas:

III dead students, II folks wounded, with possibly more reports of injury's/deaths II come. Killing so he can hurt students that didn't even affect him or even know him. Lack of parental supports. Lack of parental supervision. I am glad I don't live in the Buckeye State & attend Chardon High School in Chardon, Ohio: east of Cleveland. Thomas, this killing needs II stop. Those poor kids, not II mention the family's & friends that are left II grieve for them.

With Deepest Sympathy,


Source: The Los Angeles Times, Michael Muskal.

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