Thursday, June 4, 2015


Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #6, 14504-108 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1G8

June IVth, MMXV

Hon. Dave Eggen, B. Ed., MLA, Minister of Education, New Democratic, Edmonton-Calder

Dear Dave:

Lets hear from Mississipi Governor Phil Bryant as we "head on down to Jackson" on the topic of getting extra funding for IIIrd grade Literacy Coaches for his State. This is great as students, especially those in younger grades with developmental problems need help to keep up in lower grades so they can succeed scholastically down the road in higher grades.

"We know that children must be able to read in order to succeed, & we know that highly-qualified teachers have a positive effect on student achievement."



Source: LXIVth Governor Phil Bryant, Republican-Mississippi.

1 comment:

Colin F. Smith said...

Considering school achievement in Mississippi was ranked last in the U.S. last year, they've got quite a way to go. Of course that might have something to do with the state ranking 46th in the amount of money it puts into education.