Monday, August 30, 2021

The Unsung Heroes Of The Election!

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Devon Tim Horton's Courtesy Wifi, Unit #145, 180 Miquelon Avenue, Devon, Alberta T9G 0A6

August XXXth, MMXXI

Hon. Adriana LaGrange, MLA, Minister of Education, United Conservative, Red Deer-North

Dear Adriana:

Here in Edmonton-Wetaskiwin, you will note some of the most unsung heroes in election writs at all levels, & during non-writ periods are members of local law enforcement such as Her Majesty's Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP.) They are constantly picked apart on for their faults, but you never see them really praised for keeping our politicians safe & assessing security threats, not just anticipated advance ones: but also ones on the ground where they have to ensure the safety of our leaders. The most recent example being Mr. Trudeau, Leader of the Liberal Party Of Canada. Whilst there are zero Members Of Parliament (MPs) now, Mr. Trudeau still is Prime Minister & it is of paramount importance that we keep him & members of Her Majesty's Liberal Cabinet & Government safe because command & control decisions still need to be made by these leaders whilst they campaign to keep the nation's affairs going.

It's also true to keep Mr. O'Toole the Conservative Party Of Canada Leader & Leader Of Her Majesty's Loyal Official Conservative Opposition safe. As well as other party leaders/candidates. This is in case one of them wins the election & is asked by Her Majesty or Her Excellency The Right Honourable The Governor-General Mary Simon, CC, CMM, COM, OQ, CD, PC to form the new government. Yes indeed law enforcement at all levels deserves a lot of credit for keeping these public officials safe, especially these pandemic election times.

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Source: The Canadian Press.

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