Sunday, August 22, 2021

Mailing It In

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #6, 14504-108 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1G8

August XXIInd, MMXXI

Hon. Adriana LaGrange, MLA, Minister of Education, United Conservative, Red Deer-North

Dear Adriana:

There are of course many ways to vote & the brilliant management & staff at Elections Canada are most valuable in assisting voters in how to do so. It works out for me this year to vote by mail, so I have just applied online to have a mail in ballot sent to my home, plus its postage free to mail back like municipal mail in ballots which is convenient as I have a Canada Post mailbox right in front of my apartment building. This is of course the same process as voting by Special Ballot where you handprint the candidate's name of your choice rather than marking an "X" by a name from a list of names (generally done at the Elections Returning Office in your riding. I myself live in Edmonton-Centre as an example.) Such as on the Advance Poll & Election Day Ballots. There are also hospital polls, & rules at polls to allow voters to have trusted friends or aides fill in their proper choice of candidate at polling stations. Of course you must mail the ballot back so that's its received by Elections Canada on or before September XIVth, MMXXI (14th, 2021) at VI (6) PM Eastern Daylight Time/(IV (4) PM Mountain Daylight Time!

Elections Canada & Canada Post Working Hard IV Democracy & A Clean Vote,


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