Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Reagan: The Lifeguard


Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #6, 14504-108 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1G8


Hon. Demetrios Nicolaides, B. A., M. P. S., Ph. D., ECA, MLA, Minister of Education, United Conservative, Calgary-Bow

Dear Demetrios:

I look very much forward to seeing actor Dennis Quaid's portrayal of the late President Ronald Wilson Reagan, Republican-California on film. Superb timing with what less than 75 days until America's votes for their next Chief Executive. Reagan was of course at one point a Democratic Party member from California like Vice-President Kamala Harris, Democratic-California. Reagan was also born in the State of Illinois where Harris was nominated as the Democratic candidate in Chicago. Gosh the parallels just never end do they? Then of course you had also President Herbert Clark Hoover, Republican-California, who was actually born in Iowa. Finally, that son of Yorba Linda, President Richard Milhous Nixon, Republican-California. Strange how three conservative Californians have gotten to the presidency yet The Golden State is considered strongly Democratic now.

My true appreciation for Mr. Reagan though is b/c he was a lifeguard like a family friend of mine. Ron had many rescues, including someone drowning in the pool at the Governor's Mansion in Sacramento when he was Governor of The Eureka State. He went in with his full suit on to conduct a rescue. "Dutch" Reagan also used those skills to help orchestrate the take down of the Soviet Union through very deep waters & negotiations where he had to swim through the sharks & work all sides. Not to mention staying strong after an assassin's bullet struck & almost killed him. We must learn respect for lifeguards at all levels, Ron Reagan had 78 rescues in 78 attempts, a rather solid record I'd argue!

Reagan Kept His Head Above & Below The Water Though To Dearest Nancy He Forgot To Duck,


Source: Www.ReaganMovie.Com | Reagan

Executive Dissertations: The Saturday Presidential Buzz-Ronald Wilson Reagan (

Ronald Reagan: The Lifeguard Who Never Stopped Rescuing – Commonplace Fun Facts (

Executive Dissertations: The Saturday Presidential Buzz-Herbert Clark Hoover (

Executive Dissertations: The Saturday Presidential Buzz-Richard Milhous Nixon (

Executive Dissertations: Nancy Davis Reagan Republican California (

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Executive Order Number 10,045: Parallels

Attempted assassination of Theodore Roosevelt - Wikipedia

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #6, 14504-108 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1G8


Hon. Demetrios Nicolaides, B. A., M. P. S., Ph. D. ECA, MLA, Minister of Education, United Conservative, Calgary-Bow

Dear Demetrios:

Isn't it interesting that Former XLVth US President Donald J. Trump, Republican-Florida (nee New York) is after being shot in Pennsylvania today heading to the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin this week? What's interesting is that the only other Former US President to be shot XXVIth President Theodore "T. R./Teddy" Roosevelt, Republican & Progressive/Bull Moose-New York was shot by a bullet in Milwaukee as well whilst running on his IIIrd party ticket IV years. The parallels are exact!

Executive Dissertations: The Saturday Presidential Buzz-Theodore "T.R./Teddy" Roosevelt (

Executive Dissertations: The Saturday Presidential Buzz-Donald John Trump (

Executive Dissertations: The Saturday Presidential Buzz-Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden, Jr. (

Both Former Chief Executives you will also note were born in the State of New York, but neither was shot in their home state. I condemn this violence fully, killings or attempted killings of former leaders are just as evil & wrong as killing a current occupant. It should be noted that Mr. Roosevelt's bullet did eventually kill him but slowly.

I also applaud Current XLVIth US President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden, Jr., Democratic-Delaware for condemning this violence against his opposing party presidential candidate. Note, Joe was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania the state where the shooting took place but was elected as President & all his previous offices from Delaware.

I fully commend the United States Secret Service here & extend condolences to innocent shooting victims including Candidate Trump.

The Campaigning Is Continuous & Around The Clock,


Source: The Altoona Mirror & The Lebanon Daily News & The Butler Eagle & The Scranton Times-Tribune & The Bethel Park Journal & The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette & The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

The Missouri Lack Of Compromise


Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #6, 14504-108 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1G8

February XIVth, MMXXIV

Hon. Demetrios Nicolaides, B. A., M. P. S., Ph. D., ECA, MLA, Minister of Education, United Conservative, Calgary-Bow

Dear Demetrios:

I sure as hell wish that the "man from Independence", President Harry S. Truman, Democratic-Missouri was here to clean up this mess in Kansas City, Mo. from earlier today! I just don't get why in the heck folks feel the need to cause these mass shootings, 22 shot, 1 dead (including 8 kids, sad). Especially when it is just a Kansas City Chiefs celebration of their IIIrd Superbowl win in V years a great accomplishment!

To all the dead & injured what can I say but my most heartfelt sorries to them & their families damn these evil guns! Let us hope they can eventually heal & those who get convicted in court get proper term length prison sentences or the death penalty if so judged as appropriate!

Solving It All Rather Taylor "Swift"ly Is Best For All,


Source: The Kansas City Star, Reporter: Nick Wagner

Executive Dissertations: The Missouri Compromise (

Note: Extreme sympathy to the family & friends of Lisa Lopez-Galvan of KKFI radio on her loss, sad a wife in just her 40s with two kids, very sad.

Sherman T. Potter | Monster M*A*S*H | Fandom

Colonel Sherman T. Potter, Hannibal, Missouri's Favorite Son!

Monday, June 12, 2023

My VIIth Minister Of Education

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #6, 14504-108 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1G8


Hon. Demetrios Nicolaides, B. A., M. P. S., Ph. D., ECA, MLA-Elect, Minister of Education, United Conservative, Calgary-Bow

Ayattnte Anuntpio:

As my VII (7th) Minister of Education for the purposes of my blog. I think you'll do just fine, as long as you don't do in any of the teachers in the corrupt & unethical way you did in the recently departed Athabasca University President.

Kaan Tuxn,


Source: Myself.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Don Iveson Progressive Loser

"Iveson"y League

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #6, 14504-108 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1G8


Hon. Adriana LaGrange, ECA, MLA-Elect, Minister of Education, United Conservative, Red Deer-North

Dear Adriana:

Why do liberals, progressives, greens, socialists, commie pinkos, & ndp types not hold leftie politicians to account? I didn't mention Don Iveson's affair during October MMXXI Municipal Writ as he was throwing a hump into a woman not his wife Sarah rather than conducting The City Of Edmonton's business & it cost him his marriage & maybe the trust of his two little kids. My feeling that Don quit from running for a 3rd term for fear of the affair being put in the "woke media", but the media of Edmonton was "complicit" in covering it up. They didn't want to chance Amarjeet Sohi losing & look where that has got us, that bus driver is a piece of "shit"e, even worse than Iveson, & yes even Mr. Mandel! This is why I don't that The Globe & Mail excellent beat reporter Alanna Smith has to sully her reputation & chat with Mr. Iveson, he's a nothing, a deadbeat, utter trash.

Donny Talks About Character What A Laugh,


Source: Myself.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Writ Post


Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #6, 14504-108 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1G8


Hon. Adriana LaGrange, ECA, MLA-Elect, Minister of Education, United Conservative, Red Deer-North

Dear Adriana:

Executive Dissertations concludes its "all XXXI (thirty-one) days in May electoral posts" by pointing out in this "Post Writ" period there is much to do. Both His Majesty's United Conservative Government & His Majesty's New Democratic Loyal Official Opposition have to get their cabinet & shadow cabinets together. Farewells must be made to departing & defeated MLAs & MLA-Elects. As well as preparing new & returning MLA-Elects for the news session. Elections Alberta must get the results ready to be made "official" on June VIIIth, MMXXIII.  And all MLA-Elects must coordinate help for the wildfires which are still in abundance this season.

It Never Truly Ends & The Business Of Government Must Be Kept In Motion At All Times,


Source: Myself.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Winners All Around!


Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., 15902-100A Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5P 0L8


Hon. Adriana LaGrange, ECA, MLA-Elect, Minister of Education, United Conservative, Red Deer-North

Dear Adriana:

Congrats on winning yourself another term as MLA (MLA-Elect till you are sworn in.) An interesting perspective all around as Hon. Danielle Smith, ECA, MLA-Elect, Premier & President Of The Executive Council, United Conservative, Brooks-Medicine Hat pushed back at the naysayers & won a majority, albeit reduced. Hon. Rachel Notley, ECA, MLA-Elect, Leader Of His Majesty's Loyal Official Opposition, New Democratic, Edmonton-Strathcona won a whole bunch of extra seats so it lets her stay accountable & give her a firmer hand in having Premier Smith stay so as well!

A Fascinating Night I Believe Political Science Students Will Agree,


Source: Myself.