Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
June XVIth, MMXI
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Chuck Adler is
right on education.
He shows just how great folks from Winnipeg are. He's right in expressing concern about students & other rioters causing horrible damage & bodily injuries last night in the great city of
Vancouver, British Columbia. Students & others who did not participate may now get the idea that its okay to destroy & maim others & their property's because they see it live, on television, & all over the internet. Well its not, what if folks (say even a student) had been killed. Think of how badly those rioters would have felt. As for
Police Chief Jim Chu & Mayor Gregor Robertson, those II ought to be forced out of office immediately. Showing students that when elected II & appointed to public offices you do nothing, then why are Vancouver taxpayers paying you? As IV the
Boston Bruins & their fans, they outplayed, outgunned, outmatched, & outmanouvered the
Vancouver Canucks at every turn. They (including their student fans) showed that they knew the values of sportsmanship & deserved the
Stanley Cup more.
Note: NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman didn't deserve the horrible treatment he received from fans in the arena. It lacked dignity & respect, Gary was just doing his legally required job in congratulating the winning team.
Chuck is right again in assessing the
Globe & Mail's Margaret Wente column on the lack of academia time in American post-secondary institutions. The tacit agreements wherein Professors give the students very little to do. Chuck says that students only study about
XII (12) hours a week (or less) with some only hitting the books for
V hours a week or less & only
XXX (30) hours a week of classroom time. That is quite horrid.
When I went to the
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) for my
Marketing Certificate in
MCMXIV-MCMXV (1994-95), then transferred II
Grant MacEwan College (now University) towards getting a full
Business Diploma from
MCMXV-MCMXVII (1995-97), I had to study a lot more hours per week. Plus when I
completed the trifecta of studying & got a
Bachelor of Administration Degree (Honours) from
Athabasca University in
December MCMXCIX (1999), I still had to study & put in many hours. This despite the fact that it was a correspondence University & was self-paced. I still had to talk by email & phone with my Professors twice a week, I was also required II attend the Edmonton Campus of the school twice a month to see advisors that kept me on the right track. I also took all of my exams there in person, & had to attend my in class courses there. In person, not by remote control where I could just
"phone in" my academic performance. I had II work to earn every credit, I had to study & be in class well over
XL (40) hours a week combined. Plus I held down a part time job.
When I decided II go & become
the first person in Alberta history II get a
second C (100) High School Credits & therefore also the first to be granted a second
Regular High School Diploma, I had II earn every credit honestly. Studying, without cheating, & with a full on effort. Hence my
Public School Board run slogan:
"CC Credits, II Diplomas, I'll Work Twice As Hard IV You." Having my learning disability of
Aspberger's Syndrome or
high functioning autism makes the challenges I faced in learning even harder. But I will not cheat, I will not give Convocation Lectures like certain
University of Alberta Professor's & not give proper source accreditation.
Chuck Adler got II be the broadcaster he is with hard work, honesty, & integrity. I can truly say I got my academic credentials the exact same way!
I'd Like II Give A Shout Out II Bill Good & CKNW Radio Vancouver For Their Excellent Riot Coverage & Its Horrid Aftermath,
Corus Entertainment's CJOB Winnipeg: "Adler Online", Charles Adler, Winnipeg, Manitoba & Www.CharlesAdler.Com.