March IXth, MMXII
Hon. Thomas Lukaszuk, MLA
Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Castledowns
Dear Thomas:
Bully on the University Of Alberta IV piping in one time presidential candidate & a powerful gent IV consumer advocacy II a Skype chat when snow prevented him from flying here in person. Also, rock on to The Edmonton Senior & its powerful reportage of such event. With Beat Reporter Dr. Robert John Hayes backed up by Editor Colin Smith, we have a true broadcast quality tag team of professionals covering the said event. The Edmonton Senior & its affiliated publications are advocating IV our most precious learning group: senior citizens.
By giving page one prominence II the threats in our healthcare system with this Beyond Acute Care conference, the U Of A by bringing in the heavy hitter Nader is exposing the frauds & con jobs being pulled off by corporate tycoons in our healthcare system. We need II protect our Canadian model b/c its actually less per patient than in America. Plus, everyone is protected, no matter their age, race, religion, or socioeconomic status. Unlike the US of A where millions of citizens are uninsured. Students of all ages (especially medical ones) can learn a thing or two from Ralph Nader, whether practicing pediatrics & helping children, or geriatrics & helping seniors, we all have the right II have both health care dignity & respect!
Integrity From Down South Of The XLIXth (49th) Parallel,
Source: The Edmonton Senior, Editor Colin F. Smith & Reporter, Dr. Robert John Hayes & Www.Nader.Org.
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