Friday, June 7, 2013

Weekends In June With June Part 2a

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2


Hon. Jeff Johnson, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Athabasca-Sturgeon-RedH2O

Dear Jeff;

It seems that my mom, Mrs. June C. Koopmans, B. Ed. is telling me from upstairs that I should "plan" on getting a head start on the weekend by showing off one of her plans on a Friday. Its a good idea to always listen to your teacher.


Monday, June 7th, 1971:

Writing: "z", & "r."
Reading: - oral review on vowels, blends or blending
    _______game of vowel sounds & consonants together to learn sentence structures.
Arithmetic: finish text P. 199; flashcards; check.
Spelling:     #32, words & sounding them out.
Story:   "Charlie", Chapters 3 & 4.
*Gym supervision of Grades 1, 2, & 4.

Music:     "Red River Valley.", clapping review.
Language: discuss plays.
Phonics: read out parts for play, figure out each student(s) comfort level or lack thereof in order to help them gain confidence.

Enterprise:  Swimming. Have students work with older students who know how to swim & be team taught from these student mentors about swimming safety. This will help both the older & younger students gain leadership ability's & respect. Plus teach them to make sure the younger students are safe.


Student Involvement,


Source: "The Historical Lesson Plans Of Mrs. June C. Koopmans, B. Ed.", C. MCMLXXI, The Estate Of June C. Koopmans, Grade II Teacher, Afton Elementary School.

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