Saturday, June 22, 2013

Weekends In June With June Part 4b

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2


Hon. Jeff Johnson, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Athabasca-Sturgeon-RedH2O

Dear Jeff:

Here is a little cheering up plan IV our friends in Southern Alberta, including many displaced students & their family's from the master upstairs of brightening your day, my mom, Mrs. June C. Koopmans, B. Ed.:


Tuesday, June 22nd, 1971:

Writing: "fox", "gray", "grey", "hit", "ice."
Reading: -check worksheet; do workbook P. 91-93, check.
              -make flowers for dancers.
Arithmetic: tab P. 159, 160, 161, 162; check.
Spelling:    #34 D, MTD; check.
Story: "Charlie." Chapter 27.

Music: Talking about jazz & blues & about the song styling called "scatting" or scat singing which in jazz lets singers improvise. This will be fun for students.
Phonics: -projects which are jazz based, speaking & singing & writing jazz lyrics & notations, as well as blues so that students can truly visualize.
Enterprise: -rehearse possible jazz selections to adapt into school play.


Whistling Dixie,


Source: "The Historical Lesson Plans Of Mrs. June C. Koopmans, B. Ed.", C. MCMLXXI, The Estate Of June C. Koopmans, Grade II Teacher, Afton Elementary School.

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