Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Parliamentarians-Jose Nunez-Melo, MP

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #6, 14504-108 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1G8

January VIIth, MMXV

Hon. Gordon Dirks, B. Ed., M. Ed., MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Calgary-Elbow

Dear Gordon:

Jose Nunez-Melo, MP wants us to listen in as he defends Air Passengers Rights in Statements By Members. I like Jose's thought process here as many airlines want to shaft students & families if they overbook & don't have room for them on a plane. Thus causing delays and a lessening of decent travel for Canadian families across this superb Dominion & around the globe.

"Some of the passengers are seniors, people with disabilities, students & people with limited financial resources. These travellers have been penalized because airlines have humiliated them by not recognizing their right to legitimate compensation."

Number CCXV (215),


Source: Jose Nunez-Melo, MP, New Democratic, Laval.

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