Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
716 Sherman Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta T2W 0W2
December XXIIIrd, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Dear David:
Mr. Modest Janicki has II have just won "Husband Of The Week" kudos. When his wife Jill Janicki was admonished IV breastfeeding their little baby girl Lauren (what a cutie) in the Art Gallery Of Alberta in Edmonton, he wrote a letter II the Executive Director Gilles Hebert & then pulled a Rory J. Koopmans, he emailed it copiously to provide maximum embarrassment.Maybe this is why I am mentioning this whole incident. I am seriously proud of Mr. Janicki, his lovely wife, & little Lauren IV promoting what is totally natural, feeding a hungry youngster.
Breastmilk is definitely an essential part of life & without these nutrients, the Janicki child might not grow up with as strong a body, bone & mind structure as if she was being fed baby formula or other such supplements. The Art Gallery really screwed up on this & deserved getting in trouble badly. The baby had a blanket over her with mommy discreetly placing it on top of her shoulder & the suckling infant. We need kids II have strength & maximum nutrition in their formative baby years if they are going II continue II grow inII healthy youngsters & a new generation of students!
Happy Holidays Lauren Janicki Your Daddy & Mommy Rock,
Source: The Edmonton Journal, Ben Gelinas.
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