Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., 716 Sherman Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta T2W 0W2
December XXVIth, MMX
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
As thoughts turn II the wedding of her grandson Prince William & his gorgeous fiance Miss Kate Middleton, we should definitely reflect on the valuable asset that she is & the words of wisdom from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The IInd. In her annual Christmas Message to the United Kingdom & her other realms & territories, Her Majesty talk about instilling values & respecting other faiths, as well as learning proper diction. She also chats about how important it is II teach schoolchildren to read the King James Version of the Bible, how it had excellent prose (unmatched II this day) & such. Reflecting how no other Version of the Holy Word has over taken it as it reaches its CCCCth (four-hundredth) Anniversary in print next year, we must learn to reflect what an important text it is IV teaching many things, including the story of Christ's Birth. When King James The VIth Of Scotland had to also become England's King James The Ist under terrible circumstances & then assume the Thrones of England/Scotland four centuries ago, he bravely commissioned this version so Christians could have a united text that would give them & their school aged children a strong belief system to believe in. So these kids & their family's wouldn't have II worry about religious persecution, an achievement to behold indeed!
Her Majesty also talked the importance of sport, how we have athletes competing throughout the Commonwealth & worldwide in different contests. Her Majesty also stressed how important it is that we teach children that the competitions must be fair so that everyone has an equal chance & that rules be respected. By doing this, a good time will be had by all & kids will learn the value of camaraderie & teamwork. Plus they'll have many athletic heroes II look up to as role models IV the future. Two absolutely brilliant orations by the woman with more consecutive days in office than anyone else alive. No wonder Her Majesty knows how II hold power, she has wisdom & integrity as she approaches the (LIXth) fifty-ninth anniversary of her reign.
Rule Britannia I Say & Well Done Your Majesty: God Save The Queen,
Source: ITN Television & Www.CbcNews.Ca/QueensMessage & Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The IInd (Second), Queen Of The United Kingdom, Canada, & Her Other Realms & Territories. The Chapel At Hampton Court Palace.
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