Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
February VIth, MMXI
Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud
Dear David:
Take a stroll over to Meyonohk School in Mill Woods David. It offers an exciting opportunity to students of all races, religions & cultures to learn both Mandarin Chinese & English. Its not just a program IV Asian students, but a program IV all kids interested in exploring Asian-Pacific culture & the exciting influence that is the People's Republic Of China. I have a relative teaching there & he is just so excited about this wonderful land of opportunity. I also encourage students II earn Cantonese, another great Chinese language/dialect!
President Hu Jintao,
Source: The Edmonton Journal, Sarah O'Donnell.
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