#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
November XIVth, MMXI
Hon. Thomas Lukaszuk, MLA
Minister of Education,Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Castledowns
Dear Thomas:
Here's a great story from CBS News Correspondent Byron Pitts, on Special Assignment IV "60 Minutes." Byron found an educator who overcame adversity in Alabama during race riots of the 1960's in Alabama. He was illegally spit upon, thrown in jail, & illegally held in an adult cell for V days. All he was doing was participating in a peaceful youth march & a crooked white sheriff put the youths in jail, called them negroes & spat upon them, trying II cover up his incompetence when they weren't rioting. Unbelievable!
Now Professor Freeman Hrabowski has overcome these difficulty's by running a great state school in Maryland called the University of Maryland Baltimore County. Since MCMXCII (1992) he has focused students on the main topics of science, engineering, mathematics. In particular, African-American students who graduate at lower rates in the sciences. Now its black, yellow, red, & white, they are all precious in President Hrabowski's site.
Everyone is welcome. Students of all backgrounds are taught to work together, walk to classes together, live in their dorms together, & study together. "Collaboration is more fruitful in the end than competition." I like this sense of learning, the President refused a football team b/c he realized that it was better IV his school II focus on academia. America & the world need future generations of scientific thinkers. President Hrabowski & his school have a higher graduation rate than many other scientifically based schools, & have a higher % of students that go onto getting graduate as well as doctoral degrees.
This Is A System Of Learning That Truly Works,
Source: Www.Cbs.Com/60Minutes, Reporter: Byron Pitts & Www.UMaryland.Edu.
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