Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2
November XXth, MMXI
Hon. Thomas Lukaszuk, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Castledowns
Dear Thomas:
IV historical record & accuracy, we must give every Alberta his/her credit IV their accomplishments, thats only fair. Just as we must give equal standing II any mistakes they may have made while in office. A big mistake was made by the Northland School Division on page CXXVII (127) of the text IV the Aboriginal Studies XX (20) component Grade XI (11) course. This text states & has a picture of Premier E. Peter Lougheed on it, giving him credit IV signing aboriginal land treaty's (& Metis ones) in MCMXC (1990) with tribal chiefs/leaders.
Well this is garbage & inexcusable & I bet Pete would be the first person to state that he left office in MCMLXXXV (1985), a full V years beIV these treaty's were signed. He'd also want Premier Donald Ross Getty, his successor on whose watch it was that the teaty's were signed II get proper credit IV this accomplishment. The Northland Division is also ticking off Chief Bernard Omniyak of the Lubicon 1st Nation & any other leaders Don signed treaty's with. Why would they risk that type of error?
I have already sent copies of the mistaken pages to Pete Lougheed & Don Getty along with explanation letters. I have also raised hell with my school, & am going II be complaining to Learning Resources, the CSP Helpdesk, and the Northland School Division executives.
General Fiction,
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