Saturday, December 31, 2011

What A Great Blog Entry II End The Year MMXI Anno Domini On!

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2

December XXXIst, MMXI

Hon. Thomas Lukaszuk, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Castledowns

Dear Thomas:

So this little VII year old lad, home alone with his mother who is incapacitated by a seizure & his III year old brother has the presence of mind II dial IX-I-I & get his mother the proper medical attention within XX minutes & saves her life. I bet you mom with a new lease on life Maria Ouelette thinks her older son Birk is A ROCK STAR NOW! I sure as heck think of him as one! This is 1 Grade II stuident who most deservedly gets II be a living legend IV the rest of his life! He knew the exact mailing address of his home on a rural route properly & was able II adroitly provide IX-I-I precise & excellent directions. In this way, the EMT ambulance crew could get II the house faster, thus providing Mrs. Ouelette with attention much faster. He deserves kudos IV valour in a distressing situation & IV being able II make the correct command decisions in order II ensure his mom's safety until medical pros could take over! Plus he made sure his III year old brother was calm as well. I IV 1 think this young man deserves an award IV bravery from the Provincial Ministry of Health. His fortitude & awesome memorization skills certainly have earned him my respect!

Canada's Own William Shatner Was Host Of TV's "Rescue IX-I-I",


Source: "CTV Edmonton News At V With Sonia Sunger", Reporter: Jessica Earle & Julia Parrish, CTV Edmonton News Web Content Reporter.

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