Friday, October 13, 2017

An Inclusive Exclusive

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #6, 14504-108 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1G8

October XIIIth, MMXVII

Hon. Dave Eggen, B. Ed., MLA, Minister of Education, New Democratic, Edmonton-Calder

Dear Dave:

Mayor Don Iveson & other candidates are constantly talking about building a more "inclusive" city that is for all Edmontonians. So why don't they commit to holding at least I (1) City Council Meeting in each of the city's XII (12) wards during the next council term & thus allowing Edmontonians to see their council in action & up close? Ward 6 doesn't need any special arrangements because that is where City Hall is but the other 11 wards have City owned facilities such as recreation centres where meetings could be held in the arena. Or perhaps in a church/mosque/temple or even a community hall to make students & the their families feel truly part of the democratic process.

I wish I could take credit for this process of thought/idea but it was suggested to me by a gentleman & his husband who were attending the IIIrd Mayoral Forum with their really cute surrogate delivered little girl. A real Bob Ligertwood "sweetie" to be sure: she was so precocious when running around at the back of the room at the coffee break & I almost got run down by her that she had to just randomly tell me that she was "really pretty" & I most vociferously agreed with her! And I told her dads that & we got to talking & they gave me this idea & it would have been my question if my ticket number had called. The two gents & their girl (a very nice family I must say) told me they were Ward 10 residents & just couldn't get to City Hall very easily & would love it if "City Hall came to them."

Ville De Edmonton,


Source: The Italian Cultural Centre/Il Italiano Culturale Centro.


Unknown said...

Such a great idea Rory. Even if meeting logistics may not allow it (i.e. there are a lot of City staff at the meetings working behind the scenes) but the point is City Council decisions are NOT made with only 1 councillor's vote. You always need the other Councillors to understand the issues and concerns people in each Ward have. Once elected Councillors are to serve the whole city, so it makes so much sense for all of them to go consultative meetings at a different ward each month. I would be supportive of that.

rory said...

I agree Sim, but the audio/visual equipment needed is generally at the sites such as schools & community centres. All that would be needed is an extra room for staff. & why would the staff need to even be there, the City Council could just meet with the public directly!