Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The Affordable House/Housing Of Commons

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #6, 14504-108 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1G8

September XIVth, MMXXI

Hon. Adriana LaGrange, MLA, Minister of Education, United Conservative, Red Deer-North

Dear Adriana:

Affordable housing is sure a big campaign issue, all parties have promised to build more units. Some of course for low income Canadians, some for the homeless, & some for new immigrants, & say the new refugees coming from places like Afghanistan & other war torn nations. Some Canadians resent that the refugees are getting handed to them in terms of housing starts, & some resent that the newcomers are getting their bills for a decent home paid for by taxpayers whilst a home is becoming more & more out of reach for them. Still others resent that homeless folks are getting any kind of a home because in many cases they'll destroy it anyway. This is sadly true some of the time & politicians have to set the right tone to not just lower prices & affordability in super cities like Vancouver, British Columbia. They also must try & get both immigrants & Canadians alike to move to more rural areas & get them built up again, operations like farming facilities, etc. This can only be done if the proper housing infrastructure takes place. This of course would also include First Nations reserves housing.

"Little House On The Prairie",


Source: Www.VoteHousing.Ca


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