Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Parenting Positivity At Lois Hole EPL

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Lois Hole Public Library Terminal #XI, Edmonton, Alberta


Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud

Dear David:

Here's avery positive development sir. At the Lois Hole Branch EPL "Mommy & Me" Exercise Class, we have mom's carrying their tots in little carriers that allow the mom's II exercise. What's exciting about is that their child gets II bond with them & experience the excitement & stimulation of the brain caused by movement. This will give them a great start in life & educate them that its healthy II explore & move around.

What's truly great is that there were three dad's with baby's strapped around them in the class. So no sexual barriers of female discrimination against males. Sure women still perform most of the child care in relationships, but its great II see males bonding with their kids & getting exercise as well. This can only be beneficial to them, giving them time with their child(ren) that they might not normally get b/c they are working (especially helpful in situations where they might be raising their kid(s) as a single father.)

Once Again EPL Triumphant,


Source: Www.Epl.Ca.

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