Tuesday, August 3, 2010

VI (6) Good People

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
15902-100A Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T5P 0L8

August IIIrd, MMX

Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud

Dear David:

That poor little XI (11) year old boy (Muhammad Aashar Mahmood) in Golden, British Columbia. I cannot imagine how fast he will have II grow up. Seeing his grandfather, father, mother, two sisters, & best friend die beIV his eyes. Now having II stand bravely at a funeral with six coffins and bury them. Its just not fair. These fine folks were a great addition to Canada: hard working, Pakistani immigrants.

From what I understand, concrete barriers are going II be put up on that stretch of road to prevent people from meandering from one side II another. Sadly, there were not even painted lines on the road II separate the lanes from one another & providing some measure of safety.

I sure hope Muhammad has some measure of peace that his family are not suffering. Hopefully there will be a strong community of support II rally behind him so he can get back II proper mental/physical health, continue with his own education & then slowly begin II renew his life. Never forgetting his family, but honouring them by becoming the best citizen he can be in his new country.

In Memoriam,


Source: The Edmonton Journal, Alexandra Zabjek & Elise Stolte, & CTV National News With Lloyd Robertson.

1 comment:

Colin F. Smith said...

A sad story,indeed. But according to the Edmonton Journal story, they'd been on the road for about 10 hours after departing at 1 a.m., and several weren't wearing seatbelts -- factors that may have contributed to it or intensified it.