Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Irreponsive Trustee

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
Ward A, Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2

September XXIInd, MMX

Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud

Dear David:

I announced unofficially on my website in May that I was a Ward A Edmonton Public School Trustee Candidate & officially less than two days after Mrs. Cheryl Johner. And more than what two months before my other opponent, Mr. Kevan Warner. Now while I agree Responsive Trustee is a great group on a lot of things in educational terms, they couldn't be any more biased and into manipulating the elections then if they actually were openly, rather then tacitly doing so.

I gave Responsive Trustee Head, Mr. Dale Hudjik six voicemails where I left him my phone number. As well as over fifty of my blog entries and thirty email entries which all include my home phone number. He says he couldn't contact me as I never left him my number. This is of course total bunk as he just didn't want to put my name up there. He put Mr. Warner's name up in July when he announced. I gave Dale Hudjik three email press releases and he couldn't put me up as a candidate until Writ Drop Day this past Monday at City Hall. This proves Responsive Trustee only puts up the names of candidates it wants to, not every name as it should so the public is properly informed as to whom is running.



Soure: Myself.

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