Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Home Renters Guide

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2


Hon. Jeff Johnson, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Athabasca-Sturgeon-RedH2O

Dear Jeff:

Having just signed a 1 year lease, I am delighted II have found myself & my feline son James Redwing Cat Koopmans a 1 bedroom apartment in the palatial older neighborhood of McQueen. Its great b/c J.R. Cat & I can be together, so we are less lonely as its been VI months since his grandma died of a stroke & she'd want us II be happy. I have already joined up with the McQueen Community League & look forward II actively participating in my new community & its events & meeting new people.

IV students of all age groups looking IV student housing, or IV a new home situation after having just graduated, I can truly see there are many good real estate deals II be had out there. Students can start off by renting, or perhaps going inII buying a home with a few friends so that their monthly mortgage & utility payments are lower. IV me it was a situation of dreaming every night IV VI months that my mom was still here in the apartment stroking out. She didn't die here, but for VI months IV me it was like living in a tomb, so many bad memories.

With this new apartment, the cat & I have a fresh start & an oppotunity II make it in the world on our own. I am living right by the West Edmonton Christian School & the Edmonton Christian High School now where I grew up & went II school from Grade I-XII. As a result, I am truly excited about being able II walk through McQueen Park & my old stomping grounds, saying hi II future generations of Christian School students & encourage them II stay in school & while there, do the best that they can in their educational endeavours! I encourage students II get help from real estate experts & contractors who are willing II donate their time in order II make sure any place they move inII is safe & sound structurally IV them II do so beIV they do so!

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Source: Myself.

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