Saturday, October 3, 2015

"A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand!"-Mr. Scalise

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #6, 14504-108 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1G8

October IIIrd, MMXV

Hon. Dave Eggen, B. Ed., MLA, Minister of Education, New Democratic, Edmonton-Calder

Dear Dave:

While there is a Federal Election here in The Dominion Of Canada right now, this is where parties & their leaders try to line up your support to be in government. This "horse-trading" for votes doesn't just go on during election times, it goes on during sessions as well. Political science students will note for instance that Congressman Steve Scalise of Louisiana, the House Majority Whip for the Republican Party has to constantly "work the phones" off the floor to make deals with members of his own party in order to get legislation passed. At points, there is more work in the backroom deals of Congress than the actual vote that the people see themselves. What with House members having to try & get reelected every II years, it can be a very stressful task indeed. Steve discusses the task at hand & how he must fight for all Louisianans & all Americans to "whip" the vote in order to get his & his party's ideals passed.

"Never give up on something you believe in."

New Orleans,


Source: Congressional Representative Steve Scalise, Republican-Louisiana, The Ist District.

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