Sunday, October 4, 2015

La "Premier"e Ligue-Quebec

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #6, 14504-108 Rue, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1G8

Octobre IVe, MMXV

Hon. Dave Eggen, B. Ed., MLA, Ministre de l'education, Nouveau Parti Democratique, Edmonton-Calder

Cher Dave:

We get Quebec Premier Phillippe Couillard to put his debate thoughts out there as he writes a letter in Francais to the party leaders asking them on their stances on issue important to la belle province. This makes sense since the last Francais language leaders debate was held in Montreal, Quebec just trois nights ago. This will be of definite interest to political science students, Quebeckers & Franco-Canadians right across La Domination De Canada during the final weeks of this Federal Election season.

"En 2017, dans moins de deux ans, la federation canadienne soulignera son 150e anniversaire. Il s'agina alors d'un moment privilegie le chemin parcouru et nos accomplishments, mais aussi pour faire le point sur les defis nous sommes appeles a relever main tenant et pour l'avenir."

"In 2017, in less from two years, the Federation Canada will highlight its 150th anniversary. So it will be a moment of privilege of traveling a path of our accomplishments, but also to discuss the points that are sour & challenges for us called to raise our hands & to talk about for the future."

An Editor's Note: Due to the time constraints of the Federal Election on now, this translation is the best I could do. I am just trying to reflect the main language of the subject province. Merci.

Quebec Ville (City),


Source: Le Honourable Phillippe Couillard, CEGEP Specialist Certificate Medicin, Royal Medical College Specialist Certificate Medicine, M. D., PC, MNA, XXXIst Premiere de Quebec, Liberal, Roberval.

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